How to overcome network IO block (lost network)?

Hi Rubyists.

I would like to know of any suggestions you have on working around lost
network connection on an ActiveRecord object.
The AR Connection is open, then network is lost, and the desired effect
short (5sec) timeout on the subsequent request.
I have not found a secret sauce on MRI (1.8.7 or 1.9.2) that will
perform an
timeout when the thread (main thread) is blocked on network IO.

Example code is here :

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Peter F.
(847) 859-9550
Email: [email protected]
IM GTalk: peter.fitzgibbons
IM AOL: [email protected]

Peter F. [email protected] wrote:

I would like to know of any suggestions you have on working around lost
network connection on an ActiveRecord object.
The AR Connection is open, then network is lost, and the desired effect is
short (5sec) timeout on the subsequent request.

It depends /heavily/ on the underlying C libraries for you’re using
(both the Ruby C extension and client library). Things like mysql2 and
pg should be pretty good with interruptability/network failures.

I have not found a secret sauce on MRI (1.8.7 or 1.9.2) that will perform an
timeout when the thread (main thread) is blocked on network IO.

Example code is here :

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

To have half a chance of working with the standard timeout.rb library,
it should use TRAP_BEG/TRAP_END under MRI 1.8 and
rb_thread_blocking_region() with 1.9 if the underlying DB library relies
on blocking I/O (like mysql2), or
rb_thread_select()/rb_thread_fd_select() if non-blocking I/O is possible

I needed to look recently at the “tiny_tds” gem you seem to be using for
an unrelated bug, but tiny_tds didn’'t seem to be using either of the
things mysql2/pg used to be interruptable/thread-non-blocking.

As a last resorts (if you’re unwilling/unable to hack on tiny_tds),
terminator[1] should be effective, as is the Unicorn timeout
mechanism[2] as they both use SIGKILL to nuke the process (Unicorn will
restart the killed process). But tiny_tds should really be fixable by
its author(s).

(disclaimer: I’m the BDFL of Unicorn)