How to match words that rhyme?

Hello hello!

How do I match words that rhyme, like end rhymes, last syllable
rhymes, double rhymes, beginning rhymes and first syllable rhymes?

Like I’m looking to improve my freestyle skills :slight_smile:

Much obliged, and thanks!

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Redd V. [email protected]

These links may be of some use (nothing Ruby specific though):

Michael G.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 02:33:34 +0900
Von: “Redd V.” [email protected]
An: [email protected], [email protected]
Betreff: How to match words that rhyme?

Dear Redd,

assuming that you are talking about written text, you might modify the
diff/lcs algorithm

assigning weights to the changes to sort out those pairs of words which
have long substrings at the beginning or at the end in common.

If you want to search for English rhymes, a problem might be that
English spelling is not
very phonetic in many cases.
For this, there’s the soundex algorithm (you’ll find several Ruby
implementations on the web).

Best regards,


Redd V. wrote:

Hello hello!

How do I match words that rhyme, like end rhymes, last syllable
rhymes, double rhymes, beginning rhymes and first syllable rhymes?

Like I’m looking to improve my freestyle skills :slight_smile:

Mos Def Freestyling - YouTube

Much obliged, and thanks!

English is extremely inconsistent. Good doesn’t rhyme with food which
doesn’t rhyme with flood. You’re going to need something that describes
the phonetics of each word, like an open dictionary. With that, you
should be able to identify which words rhyme.

Rhyme is a subjective term as well. Some words “rhyme” even though they
don’t meet any formal definition of “rhyme,” they just sound right
together. But this is a lesser concern.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 03:24:05 +0900
If you want to search for English rhymes, a problem might be that English
spelling is not
very phonetic in many cases.
For this, there’s the soundex algorithm (you’ll find several Ruby
implementations on the web).

or even metaphone (

look also here : Implement Phonetic ("Sounds-like") Name Searches with Double Metaphone Part VI: Other Methods & Additional Resources - CodeProject

Best regards,


Michael M. wrote:

English is extremely inconsistent. Good doesn’t rhyme with food which
doesn’t rhyme with flood. You’re going to need something that describes
the phonetics of each word, like an open dictionary. With that, you
should be able to identify which words rhyme.

Rhyme is a subjective term as well. Some words “rhyme” even though they
don’t meet any formal definition of “rhyme,” they just sound right
together. But this is a lesser concern.

Maybe I’m missing something subtle, but isn’t this what soundex is for?

It’s definitely not perfect; my experience has been it generally works
better to catch misspellings in proper nouns than anything else, but it
could be potentially useful in the first part of a multi-step filtering

At the worst, soundex is found damn near everywhere (even in some SQL
Database implementations… I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a ruby one)
and it should be easy to test (and rule out, if necessary) with a


Axel E. wrote:

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 12:09:01 +0900
Von: Erik H. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: How to match words that rhyme?

Maybe I’m missing something subtle, but isn’t this what soundex is for?
… which is why I had proposed it in a previous post.
But Michael is right with his examples … a great number of
words that are classified as similar won’t sound similar.

Missed that, sorry.

However, soundex would be good (and fast) to greatly reduce a base
wordlist, it may still catch words that don’t sound alike, but the
likelihood of it omitting words that sound alike is so low it’s probably
worth it, and at that point you can apply a more expensive algorithm to
the smaller set.

Of course, I am under the assumption he wants to scan a ton of unrelated
words (say, a whole dictionary) to match against his word.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 12:09:01 +0900
Von: Erik H. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: How to match words that rhyme?

Maybe I’m missing something subtle, but isn’t this what soundex is for?
… which is why I had proposed it in a previous post.
But Michael is right with his examples … a great number of
words that are classified as similar won’t sound similar.
So, a good dictionary with phonetic information seems the best idea to
go for,
Maybe Wiktionary ? I also liked the American Heritage Dictionary (but I
think if you
want to use it as often as you’d need to generate a dictionary of
sound-alike words,
you’d have to buy the installed version, and I don’t know if it runs
under anything
else than Windows…)

Best regards,


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Erik H. [email protected]

BTW, this would make a great Ruby Q… :slight_smile:

Hehe, I thought so too :slight_smile:

Erik H. wrote:

However, soundex would be good (and fast) to greatly reduce a base
wordlist, it may still catch words that don’t sound alike, but the
likelihood of it omitting words that sound alike is so low it’s probably
worth it, and at that point you can apply a more expensive algorithm to
the smaller set.

BTW, this would make a great Ruby Q… :slight_smile:


Here is a crude start based on an old version I wrote in Pascal. It
should give you a place to start. (Please do not be TOO brutal in
critique. I am new with writing Ruby algorithms. Elegance will come.)

class Soundex
def soundsAlike word1, word2
soundex(word1) == soundex(word2)

def soundex w
temp1 = w[0,1]
1.upto(w.length - 1) { |i|
case w[i, 1]
when ‘B’,‘F’,‘P’,‘V’
temp1 += ‘1’
when ‘C’,‘G’,‘J’,‘K’,‘Q’,‘S’,‘X’,‘Z’
temp1 += ‘2’
when ‘D’,‘T’
temp1 += ‘3’
when ‘L’
temp1 += ‘4’
when ‘M’, ‘N’
temp1 += ‘5’
when ‘R’
temp1 += ‘6’
i = 1
while i < temp1.length - 1 do
if temp1[i] == temp1[i + 1]
temp1[i] = ‘’
i += 1

s =
p s.soundsAlike(‘their’, ‘there’) # returns true

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 23:09:05 +0900
Von: Lloyd L. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: How to match words that rhyme?

    temp1 += '4'

Posted via
Another solution, which could help the problem of non-phonetic writing
in English is to use
the external text-to-speech program espeak:

It can produce a kind of phonetic writing for English like so:

axel@alecrim:~$ espeak -v mb-en1 ‘dough’ > res
axel@alecrim:~$ cat res
d 65
@U 294 0 103 80 77 100 77
_ 263
_ 1
axel@alecrim:~$ espeak -v mb-en1 ‘tough’ > res2
axel@alecrim:~$ cat res2
t 100
V 129 0 103 80 77 100 77
f 142
_ 263
_ 1
axel@alecrim:~$ espeak -v mb-en1 ‘bow’ > res3
axel@alecrim:~$ cat res3
b 65
@U 294 0 103 80 77 100 77
_ 263
_ 1

… this works also in other languages for which the correspondence
between pronounciation and
spelling isn’t one-to-one, e.g., French:

axel@alecrim:~$ espeak -v mb-fr1 ‘eaux’ > res4
axel@alecrim:~$ cat res4
o 202 0 103 80 77 100 77
_ 263
_ 1
axel@alecrim:~$ espeak -v mb-fr1 ‘o’ > res5
axel@alecrim:~$ cat res5
o 202 0 103 80 77 100 77
_ 263
_ 1

espeak has many “voices” for different languages. For the above to work,
you’ll need to choose Mbrola
voices, because the text-to-speech system Mbrola
( needs
this phonetic text as input.

Best regards,
