How to manage states in a CRUD way?

Hey all,

I have a Job model and the job can be opened, closed and fulfilled. It
can be re-open, re-closed and “re-fulfilled” several times and I want
to keep track everytime this happens (by keeping the date of each
What’s the best way to handle this situation in a CRUD/Restful way?

thanx in advance


Patrick -

On 31-Jul-07, at 8:01 PM, Patrick A. wrote:


oh man, you’re gonna love acts_as_state_machine

I’ve got a few very useful patches to improve end user interactions -
let me know if you want them.


On 7/31/07, Jodi S. [email protected] wrote:

oh man, you’re gonna love acts_as_state_machine

I’ve got a few very useful patches to improve end user interactions -
let me know if you want them.

ok thanx for the info and yes I want them :slight_smile:

did I miss something or is there any table I should create to make it

Patrick -

On 31-Jul-07, at 9:36 PM, Patrick A. wrote:

I’ve got a few very useful patches to improve end user
interactions -
let me know if you want them.

ok thanx for the info and yes I want them :slight_smile:

your model needs a ‘state’ column (string).

this is good example of it being used:

I’ll send you the monkey-patches tomorrow.

have fun.

On 31-Jul-07, at 9:36 PM, Patrick A. wrote:

I’ve got a few very useful patches to improve end user
interactions -
let me know if you want them.

ok thanx for the info and yes I want them :slight_smile:

oh, and out of the box the plugin doesn’t track the history of state

But you could likely use it in combination with something like


I want them!!!
I’ve got many others, which I’m trying to get into shape to contribute

Some things I’ve added:

  • State properties: each state can have a hash to store whatever you
    want to store (a caption, a color, granular access control
  • Event properties: similar to State properties, I
    use :caption, :public (to specify whether it should be shown or if
    it’s triggered by some backend stuff), :confirm (same as
    link_to), :position (to make the public ones appear in the same order
    every time).
  • Composite states: I can say e.g.
    “my_model.an_assoc.find_all_in_state :active” and it searches “WHERE
    state IN (‘posted’, ‘selected’, ‘contacted’)” (it’s even recursive so
    I can have a tree of states). This is what’s referred in UML as non-
    concurrent composite states (concurrent states doesn’t make sense in
    this context).
  • Queries: some query methods to find out leaf states (in the
    compsite tree), root states, possible events given the current states
    (to automatically show those that can be triggered to the user), a
    helper for select_tag usage, paginate_in_state (an ugly hack, but
    useful), and some others.

Sorry for the off-topic!


Looks nice!

Have you seen



Just a quick question, how do you manage field validation when the
state changes? I tried with the :guard proc but it didnt catch the
erroneous field at the right time. It was a long time ago so I dont
remember the specifics but I am curious to know how others are dealing
with it.

Jodi and nachokb, please keep this topic alive,
Is there a blog or repo where we can pull these enhancements?

I can send you Jodi’s patch if you want and if he didn’t already send
it to you (I’m sure he would agree right? :slight_smile:

please do Patrick.

I’m away for the Canadian long weekend - would like to resume our
thoughts on a combined patch next week.

Have a good week.


Right now, we are both really busy. We are planning on releasing
something, though. My code is really messy so I ask you to wait a



What you’re trying to do is actually very simple. I don’t see the need
for plugins or any fancy stuff. Do you really want to rely on plugins?
It would be easier for you if you do it yourself like this:


class Job < ActiveRecord:Base
has_many :state_histories

def change_state(state, user)
state_histories <<>state, :who=>user,


class StateHistory < Act…

As far as doing it CRUD/restful, well that relates to how your
Controller is organized. So you’d just make your controller methods use
the change_state(state, user) method of your model.


This is my take on state machines…
I would advise you to first take a piece of paper, draw a state
diagram (similar to the UML SD). Each node is a state, call it
pereferably with an adjective (“closed”).
Each state con have many outbound and inbound transitions. Those
without outbound are called “final” states; only one should have no
inbound, and it will be called the “initial” state (you must specify
that to aasm).
Now, for each and every transition you must determine the “action” or
“event” that triggers it (just a name, preferably a verb, like
“close”). Aside from that, you should also think about some conditions
that should be met for that transition to take effect (in aasm, it’s
a :guard). Typical usage for this is roles: only administrator can
close your model, for example. You could also check that current_user
==, my_model.some_field_not_empty?, etc.
Furthermore, you also have a few other hooks, but this time not for
validation (as they can’t stop a transition from happening), but
mainly for side-effects. AASM provides you with hooks for :entering a
state, another one for after a state has been :entered, and a final
one for when you are :leaving a state.
In your case, I guess you are trying to use AR’s validators together
with these. I know something like this works:

validate_uniqueness_of :some_unique_field, :if => &:closed? #
Validates it when it is about to save the newly state-changed model.

I want to split :guard into :precondition and :postcondition (and warn
the user that :precondition s should never ever cause side-effects).
This way I can enumerate those possible actions that meet their
precondition to the user. Suppose this scenario:

  • Job model has states :active, :closed.
  • 1 transition :close (from :active, to :closed).
    • that transition has a precondition: that the user is an admin
    • and a postcondition: that the user filled in the hours it took
      her to finish it.
  • :active, on :leaving, just logs “#{} is no
    more :active”.
  • :closed, on :entering, just logs (let’s keep it simple)
    “#{} is now :closed”.
  • I never found a case for :entered…

I can have, in the view, an enumeration of the possible events given
the current state (let’s assume :active). In this case, the only event
is :close. Further, I can select only those events which meet their
precondition. If the user is an admin, my app would show to her the
“Close” button. Otherwise, it wouldn’t.
Now suppose I haven’t separated pre- and post-conditions for a
moment… if I filter the events to those meeting its “guard”, the
Close button would never show, even if the user is an admin, because
she hasn’t yet filled the hours.

Furthermore I don’t find specially useful the :entering, :entered
and :leaving hooks, I would prefer to have one (only one) attached to
the transition. Keep in mind that more than one transition can lead to
the same state (or leave it). That one hook would know the previous
state, its parent transition, and of course the target state…



The main idea behind something like this is to model the state flow in
a declarative way (building our own DSL).
That way, it’s far, far easier to read and maintain. I’ve actually
shown it to an analyst and understood it right away.
That’s the beauty of Ruby… I’ve got so much behaviour expressed in
so little code, it’s almost a “dump” of a state diagram (though there
are some things I can’t connect without custom code *).
I’ve wanted to do something similar to taking
advantage of this dsl…


  • in a project I’ve got 3 models acts_as_state_machine. Some
    transitions are what I called “public” (meaning that the user sees a
    button and triggers it), but some other don’t show to the user. Those
    are triggered on transitions in other (related via AR) models. For
    example, once a job_application has its :hire event triggered, its
    related person gets its :hire also triggered, and all the other
    job_applications of that person get its :close triggered. I represent
    those with dashed arrows between each model’s state diagram, but can’t
    pick that up automatically (without inventing some really complex dsl
    which would let me do “all my person’s job_application, except

On Aug 2, 6:52 am, Chris R. [email protected]

A question to everyone out there: would you manage a model’s state as
a nested singleton resource??

I’m a little late here, but you might want to take a look at the
plugin has_states:
. Documentation is a bit lacking right now, which I’m working on, so
you might want to take a look at the unit tests for usage.

It’s based on the acts_as_state_machine plugin, but a lot of it is
rewritten. A brief overview of the differences:

  • Events/States stored in database tables (events/states,
  • Event callbacks (before_*, , and after_ for event, e.g.
    before_execute, execute, after_execute)
  • Passing args to events (e.g. execute!(1, 2, 3))
  • State callbacks (before_enter_, before_exit_, after_enter_,
  • Inheritance support
  • Tracking state changes (optional, can be turned off on a per-model
  • Dynamic initial states (e.g. has_states :initial => {…})
  • Callbacks canceling the event
  • Module extension for has_many associations (e.g.*
    where * is a state, such as,
  • Support for state deadlines through has_state_deadlines plugin (i.e.
    time at which a state must change or it’ll automatically change)
  • 400 unit tests

Anyway, thought I’d mention it … good luck!

  • 400 unit tests
    WOOOHHOOOOO you are the man!
    I promise to take a look later…

  • Events/States stored in database tables
    Yeah, I did that in another project (a Java project), and didn’t want
    to “hardcode” the states, having them on a db (actually, I had an xml
    for other reason) would allow me to change that at runtime… but I
    found that too messy and pretty much unnecessary.
    Later, I was thinking in separating “parameterization” from
    “configuration”, so my xml would never change once it reached
    stability, and if they wanted to change e.g. which role could do it,
    then the xml would reference a value set in a configuration file (a
    properties file). I never fully implemented that.
    Then I came to Ruby, and aasm particularly, and really liked how
    concise it was (even if it is hardcoded, it’s really part of the
    model, and it allows you to express the state flow in a natural
    manner). Would you care to explain the rationale behind moving the
    parameterization into the db?
  • Passing args to events (e.g. execute!(1, 2, 3))
    In my rethinking about these things, I came to think that it would be
    useful, but never found a single example where I would use it. I think
    of it like they take all they need from their context… did you find
    it useful?
  • Inheritance support
    I guess that’s what I called “composite states”. Is it? I mean, a
    state can have substates, and you could declare something (say, a
    transition or a property) in the parent which all its children would
    have (I never implemented that). Plus, you can query for a superstate,
    say :active, an get all the models which are in :published
    or :another_one, but not in :closed…
  • Tracking state changes (optional, can be turned off on a per-model
    That’s good. I’ve been doing it separately (was about to turn it into
    a plugin, or reuse acts_as_trackable). Do you have another model, say
    “Event”, as a log?
  • Dynamic initial states (e.g. has_states :initial => {…})
    Did you find an scenario which would use it? I can’t imagine right
  • Callbacks canceling the event
    What’s the difference with :guard ? (or my :precondition
    and :postcondition)
  • Module extension for has_many associations (e.g.*
    where * is a state, such as,
    I implemented that, only to find later that you already have that for
    free!!! Every ClassMethod acts_as_state_machine gives you can be
    accessed (appropriately scoped!) from within the association proxy!!.
    So you can do :active…
  • Support for state deadlines through has_state_deadlines plugin (i.e.
    time at which a state must change or it’ll automatically change)
    I’m interested! How do you do that? got a cron hook?
  • 400 unit tests
    Again, GREAT! I feel miserable…

On a sidenote: how do you reference callbacks from within the db? a
method name? Losing blocks was the deciding factor in my acceptance of
aasm’s parameterization from a class…
Perhaps we could later explore some alternatives, like separating the
state flow declarations from the model (somewhat like an observer).

Good work!


manner). Would you care to explain the rationale behind moving the
parameterization into the db?

There are a few reasons behind this. First, and foremost, was related
to ensuring that the database is normalized. Since the plugin stores
state changes, state deadlines, etc. I was uncomfortable with using
the state name in these state_change/state_deadline records. Instead,
I wanted those records to reference states stored in the database.
This also helps with simplifying queries and defining associations.
In addition, that state is also referenced in the model that has the
state, so again we’re normalizing the database quite a bit.

In addition to this, I took into consideration the fact that, as your
project progresses, states may get removed and become “inactive”, i.e.
they are no longer a part of the state machine. When this occurs, the
states should still be valid in any state_change/state_deadline/model
that references it, but it should no longer be declared in your
model’s code. By storing it in the database and forcing the developer
to define which states are active in the model, we can continue to
have associations working between these various models on inactive
states and still ensure referential integrity. If it were only
defined in the class, it would be difficult to track all of the states/
events that have been used over time and were, at one point or
another, valid. You would have to look through all the records in
your database and find names of events/states that were used at one
point. It doesn’t smell right to me.

There may be arguments both ways, but this is what I felt I was most
comfortable with.

In my rethinking about these things, I came to think that it would be
useful, but never found a single example where I would use it. I think
of it like they take all they need from their context… did you find
it useful?

I have found it very useful. I often want to perform an operation
when an event occurs, based on certain data that is being passed in.
For example, I had an InvoiceTransaction model that had an event call
capture. Capture took a single value, which would basically make a
partial charge on a payment account through a payment gateway. By
passing in the value, I was able to do several things:

  1. Define a guard which determines whether the invoice transaction
    goes to completed (meaning no more captures can be made) or captured
    (meaning more captures can be made) based on whether the value being
    captured has reached the maximum total amount that can be captured.
  2. Define an on-invocation callback that makes the call to the payment


class InvoiceTransaction < ActiveRecord::Base
event :capture do
transition_to :completed, :if => {|t, value|
t.max_capture_value == (t.total_captured_so_far + value)}
transition_to :captured

def capture(value)
# send to gateway


That’s obviously not the exact code I use, but it’s one use I found
for passing in parameters.

I guess that’s what I called “composite states”. Is it? I mean, a
state can have substates, and you could declare something (say, a
transition or a property) in the parent which all its children would
have (I never implemented that). Plus, you can query for a superstate,
say :active, an get all the models which are in :published
or :another_one, but not in :closed…

Hmm, that’s an interesting idea, but I was actually referring to the
fact that states, events, and transitions defined in a class are only
valid and accessible by that class and all its subclasses. I believe
there are a few issues with how transitions are handled in subclasses
in acts_as_state_machine, though I could be wrong.

That’s good. I’ve been doing it separately (was about to turn it into
a plugin, or reuse acts_as_trackable). Do you have another model, say
“Event”, as a log?

There are three models in has_states: State, Event, and StateChange.
StateChange tracks the from_state, to_state, event, and when it
occurred. For the initial state change (the first state a model is
set to), the from_state and event are set to nil. Otherwise, all
fields are always set. In addition, it tracks all changes, regardless
of whether that same change has already occurred (e.g. loopbacks).
When accessing a state change, you can choose whether to access the
first, last, or all of the changes. For example,
car.parked_at(:first), car.parked_at(:last), and car.parked_at(:all).

  • Dynamic initial states (e.g. has_states :initial => {…})

Did you find an scenario which would use it? I can’t imagine right

There is a scenario I’m using it for, although it may be invalid since
it may call for inheritance where the subclass overrides the
superclass’s initial state, but this is something I have to re-
evaluate. The scenario involves an InvoiceTransaction which starts
off either as a payment to an individual from a company or from an
individual to a company. This may simply be a flaw in-of-itself,
where there is a need for a class hierarchy that separates this
functionality. I decided to keep it in there for now since I already
had it implemented and thought I would let the plugin be used
throughout various projects and see if I ever find another need for
it. If it seems that no more scenarios come up, I’ll axe it out of
the implementation.

What’s the difference with :guard ? (or my :precondition
and :postcondition)

Callbacks canceling events are meant to parallel the structure used in
callbacks for ActiveRecord. For example, you would normally cancel a
save through the use of a validation. However, if any callback (e.g.
before_save, after_save, etc.) explicitly returns false, this will
cancel the save as well. As a result, in order to make it familiar to
ActiveRecord callbacks, state/event callbacks act the same way.
Currently, the scenario in which I make use of this has to do with
making changes to other models as a result of an event being invoked.
For example, using InvoiceTransaction as an example, I have guards
setup to determine whether the model transitions to :completed
from :captured. However, in addition to this, I defined a callback
which invokes a web service to actually send the capture to the
payment gateway. If that fails, I want to cancel the event. This
really couldn’t be done as a guard, because you only want to talk to
the gateway if all other guards have passed. You could possibly hack
this by making sure it’s the last guard, but I don’t personally find
that as clear.

  • Support for state deadlines through has_state_deadlines plugin (i.e.
    time at which a state must change or it’ll automatically change)

I’m interested! How do you do that? got a cron hook?

This is currently implemented via two methods. First, whenever the
record is accessed, the deadline for its current state is checked and
the deadline event invoked if it has been passed. This ensures that
whenever you access the record, it is always in the correct state.
Second, we have a backgroundrb worker checking the state deadlines
every few minutes and updating the appropriate records. That’s
probably not the best way to accomplish it, and I haven’t personally
put much thought into better methods, but it does the job for now.

Anyway, I hope this answers your questions!