How to manage 2 different versions of rails in same machine with single ruby version?

I am using two different version of rails application (2.3.8 and
3.0.3) in a same machine with a single version of REE installed in the
machine. Ruby enterprise edition version is 1.8.7 .

Both the applications are working fine. But i have a problem in rails
2.3.8 application . In some place in my code i have used <%=
time_ago_in_words(test.created_at) %>. Before installing rails 3.0.3
version gems it displays the days ago correctly.

But after installing the rails 3.0.3 gems .I get “in {{count}} days.”.

Any idea would be very helpful. Thks

On 3 Apr 2011, at 19:29, Sasi [email protected] wrote:

I am using two different version of rails application (2.3.8 and
3.0.3) in a same machine with a single version of REE installed in the
machine. Ruby enterprise edition version is 1.8.7 .

Either bundler or rvm are ok for managing gem versions across multiple


Thanks a lot fred… Now im able to manage my application through
bundler. :slight_smile:

On Apr 4, 12:09am, Frederick C. [email protected]