How to make will_paginate generated URL search engine friendly

I m using will_paginate plugin to do the pagination. And I find that
the generated URL is like the following format:


how can I let it generate URLs like the following format:(or any other
formats which is search engine friendly).


appreciate for your help.

this is how I have it working. i’s not necessarily the best way. I’m
a newbie.

in routes.rb, after map.resources :posts

anything like /2 (just a page#) should go to my default controller


map.connect ‘:page’,
:action => ‘index’,
:controller => ‘posts’,
:requirements => { :page => /\d+/},
:page => nil

anything like /posts/tags/rails/2 should go to the appropriate

controller and action

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id/:page’,
:requirements => { :page => /\d+/}

Note: there’s no page => nil here. page must be present to trigger
this rule, otherwise it thinks something like /posts/johnny/2 is
asking for action johnny with id 2.

anything like /posts/johnny/2 should is a show action. i.e., show

page 2 of johnny’s posts.

map.connect ‘:controller/:id/:page’,
:requirements => { :page => /\d+/},
:action => ‘show’,
:page => nil

Note: here the page CAN be nil, so it’ll generate the shortest URL,
i.e., /posts/johnny instead of /posts/johnny/1

these are RESTful routes I’m using, which you can modify to suit.

sorry, I just found a problem with my scheme. it cannot handle


(action index, page 2)

when controller is something other than my default controller. In
fact I don’t think there’s a way to distinguish between

/controller/page and /controller/id unless your id has some unique
pattern other than \d+

I’ll let someone more knowledgable chime in :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: