How to make RoR load faster


I am working on a RoR eCommerce application built on Substruct.
The website runs on shared hosting using Apache with FastCGI with idle
time 5 minutes.

The problem is Substruct takes time to load first time then it runs
Now, when visitor is opening a page, it is taking much time to render if
within 5 minutes another visitor had not open up a page.

Since, it is eCommerce site, if a visitor get the first page after more
than 30 seconds, it will be sure setback.

I am willing to know what are the possible options to overcome this,
considering that,
1)Hosting would not increase idle time.
2)Hosting do provide mongrel server.


On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 5:44 AM, Sujoy Roy
[email protected] wrote:

I am willing to know what are the possible options to overcome this,

Get off shared hosting and get yourself a $20 VPS in some place like
RailsMachine. That is by far the best option, in my humble opinion.
Failing that, you could try to set up something that sends an HTTP
request to your Rails app every 3 minutes.

Alexey V.
CruiseControl.rb []
RubyWorks []

Thanks Alexy.

Get off shared hosting and get yourself a $20 VPS in some place like

I will definitely try that, if my client agrees.

Failing that, you could try to set up something that sends an HTTP
request to your Rails app every 3 minutes.

This is pretty interesting idea. I google a bit and found one