How to make back button and bookmarks for rails

Hi to all,
i am working in one application which is having full and full
ajax request like link_to_remote,form_remote_tag,render_component
etc…mainly component oriented architecture,so if we click the back
button on the browser it goes to main page.if user read one article
under the article tab and he wants to bookmark that article then the url
having no data to bookmark that particular article (e.x thats all.So user cannot bookmark this
article,how can i implement the back button and bookmarks for my
application.if any one know the solution please let it me know.


On 15 Feb 2008, at 06:54, Bala Krishnan wrote:

     i am working in one application which is having full and full

ajax request like link_to_remote,form_remote_tag,render_component
etc…mainly component oriented architecture,so if we click the back
button on the browser it goes to main page.if user read one article
under the article tab and he wants to bookmark that article then
the url
having no data to bookmark that particular article (e.x thats all.So user cannot bookmark this
article,how can i implement the back button and bookmarks for my
application.if any one know the solution please let it me know.

You’ll have to implement it yourself:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt