What is the easiest way in Ruby to make an array our of a date range?
Something like this:
@date1 = “2006-04-01”
@date2 = “2006-04-23”
array = [@date1…@date2]
Something like that would be an easy solution as @date1 and @date2 are
going to by dynamic, but this doesn’t work as they are strings.
Or would I have to manually insert the ranges one by one myself?
array = [“2006-04-01”, “2006-04-02”, … , “2006-04-23”]
Thanks for any help in advanced!
im still a newbie but heres my take:
dates = []
for i in 1…23 do
if i < 10
format = “2006-04-0%d”
format = “2006-04-%d”
dates << sprintf(format, i)
On Apr 23, 2006, at 12:58 pm, Marston A. wrote:
Or would I have to manually insert the ranges one by one myself?
array = [“2006-04-01”, “2006-04-02”, … , “2006-04-23”]
Thanks for any help in advanced!
Date can be in a range like this:
start_date = Date.strptime(“2006-04-01”)
end_date = Date.strptime(“2006-04-23”)
date_range = start_date…end_date
puts date_range.include?(Date.strptime(“2006-04-10”))
date_array = date_range.to_a
puts date_array.join(’, ')
On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 20:58 +0900, Marston A. wrote:
Or would I have to manually insert the ranges one by one myself?
array = [“2006-04-01”, “2006-04-02”, … , “2006-04-23”]
Thanks for any help in advanced!
I don’t know if this is the easiest (or best) way, but it seems to work:
require ‘date’ # from stdlib
=> true
(Date.parse(‘2006-04-01’)…Date.parse(‘2006-04-23’)).to_a.map { |e|
e.to_s }
=> [“2006-04-01”,
You can do a similar thing with Time to get different ranges (hours,
half-days, etc.) but it’s pretty wasteful in terms of efficiency so
stick with date if you can.
a = []
=> []
(Time.parse(‘2006-4-23’)…Time.parse(‘2006-4-27’)).step(86400) { |t| a
<< t }
=> Sun Apr 23 00:00:00 BST 2006…Thu Apr 27 00:00:00 BST 2006
=> [Sun Apr 23 00:00:00 BST 2006,
Mon Apr 24 00:00:00 BST 2006,
Tue Apr 25 00:00:00 BST 2006,
Wed Apr 26 00:00:00 BST 2006,
Thu Apr 27 00:00:00 BST 2006]
a = []
=> []
(Time.parse(‘2006-4-23’)…Time.parse(‘2006-4-27’)).step(3600) { |t| a <<
t }
=> Sun Apr 23 00:00:00 BST 2006…Thu Apr 27 00:00:00 BST 2006
=> [Sun Apr 23 00:00:00 BST 2006,
Sun Apr 23 01:00:00 BST 2006,
Sun Apr 23 02:00:00 BST 2006,
Sun Apr 23 03:00:00 BST 2006,
Sun Apr 23 04:00:00 BST 2006,
Sun Apr 23 05:00:00 BST 2006,
… 97 elements … ]
Hi –
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, malamute jute wrote:
I think the date library ways will scale better; but for your possible
interest, here’s another way to do what you’ve got here:
dates = (1…23).map {|i| sprintf(“2006-04-%.2d”,i) }
David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
“Ruby for Rails” PDF now on sale! Ruby for Rails
Paper version coming in early May!
Ross B. wrote:
(Date.parse(‘2006-04-01’)…Date.parse(‘2006-04-23’)).to_a.map { |e| e.to_s }
Just a small suggestion:
Leave out the to_a so it’s faster and uses less memory 
On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 21:59 +0900, Robin S. wrote:
Ross B. wrote:
(Date.parse(‘2006-04-01’)…Date.parse(‘2006-04-23’)).to_a.map { |e| e.to_s }
Just a small suggestion:
Leave out the to_a so it’s faster and uses less memory 
Doh… I really must find my proofreading glasses 
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Marston A. wrote:
Or would I have to manually insert the ranges one by one myself?
array = [“2006-04-01”, “2006-04-02”, … , “2006-04-23”]
Thanks for any help in advanced!
are you sure that you need an array:
harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'date'
a = Date.parse "2006-04-01"
b = Date.parse "2006-04-23"
(a .. b).each{|date| puts date}
harp:~ > ruby a.rb
if you do simply use
list = (a … b).inject([]){|accum, date| accum << date}
Thank everyone, thats exactly what I needed.
[email protected] wrote:
if you do simply use
list = (a … b).inject([]){|accum, date| accum << date}
I’m curious, is there a special reason for the use of inject here?
Doesn’t the following do the same?
list = (a…b).to_a
On Apr 23, 2006, at 1:11 PM, Robin S. wrote:
Yes, they are exactly the same. It’s just that inject is a force of
nature. It consumes your Enumerables, and leaves a trail of
devastation in its wake. You can’t escape it. You must accept your
fate as a slave to inject.
On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 01:42 +0900, Logan C. wrote:
Yes, they are exactly the same. It’s just that inject is a force of
nature. It consumes your Enumerables, and leaves a trail of
devastation in its wake. You can’t escape it. You must accept your
fate as a slave to inject.
Latterly though I’ve found respite from my own inject addiction thanks
to a couple of quick benchmarks:
a = (0…1000)
=> 0…1000
Benchmark.bm { |x| x.report { 100.times { a.to_a } } }
user system total real
0.060000 0.000000 0.060000 ( 0.075679)
=> true
Benchmark.bm { |x| x.report { 100.times { a.inject([]) { |a,e| a << e }
} } }
user system total real
0.300000 0.000000 0.300000 ( 0.431041)
=> true
On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, Logan C. wrote:
list = (a…b).to_a
Yes, they are exactly the same. It’s just that inject is a force of nature.
It consumes your Enumerables, and leaves a trail of devastation in its wake.
You can’t escape it. You must accept your fate as a slave to inject.
well, in this case it was merely the result of posting sans coffee. i
do that
occasionally and always regret it. 