How to make a 126 rails project when 2.02 is installed with windows

How do I make a 126 rails project when 2.02 is installed?

I posted this question and got this answer:

You can generate a NEW rails 1.2.6 project like this
$rails 1.2.6 myproject

That will probably work on a linix machine, but I couldn’t get it go
on XP, at least not for 1.2.3

I finally got it to work. I needed a rails 1.2.3 app so I did this:

gem install rails -v=1.2.3
which on my machine, installed in rails 1.2.3 in

cd to C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-1.2.3
rails C:\rails_projects_dir\my_app_name

Which created the rails app my_app_name in the directory named C:

Good luck

No, that did’nt work.
I got a 2.02 project


OK, I got it

just CD to the dir in which you want the project, like normal and run:

ruby C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-1.2.3\bin\rails my_project

rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-2-3


If I run Rails -v I get 2.0.2 but when I run ruby script/server the
page says 123

fun stuff

Actually it’s way simpler than that.

Make sure you have the latest rubygems and that you have rails 1.2.6
gem update --system
gem install rails -v=1.2.6

Then create a new project with Rails 1.2.6

rails 1.2.6 my_project

Then freeze if desired.

The x.y.z parameter tells Rubygems which version should be used.

Thanks but…

Not trying to be a jerk however I tried that about 40 times over two
hours with every variation imaginable.
rails_1.2.3_ my_project
rails_1-2-3_ my_project
rails_123_ my_project
rails_1.2.3 my_project
rails TAG=rel_1-2-3 my_project (made a project named “TAG=rel_1-2-3”)

If you can think of it, I tried it

The point of my post was that what you describe doesn’t work. At least
not for me, on Windows XP with version 1.2.3

On Apr 17, 9:26 pm, “Brian H.” [email protected] wrote:

ruby C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-1.2.3\bin\rails my_project

I posted this question and got this answer:
which on my machine, installed in rails 1.2.3 in

cd to C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-1.2.3
rails C:\rails_projects_dir\my_app_name

Which created the rails app my_app_name in the directory named C:

@Rails Freak: I tried it with six versions of the framework installed
(2.0.2, 2.0.1, 1.2.6, 1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.2), Ruby 1.8.6, Windows XP.
It worked the first time and every time.


rails 1.2.2 test


Be sure to restart your web server when you modify this file.

Uncomment below to force Rails into production mode when

you don’t control web/app server and can’t set it the proper way

ENV[‘RAILS_ENV’] ||= ‘production’

Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not

RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.2.2’ unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

(Note the GEM_VERSION ^^^ )

Sure as hell, It worked as you say
I was missing the space between rails and 1.2.3.

My face is red now

Just in case this helps, here’s the contents of your c:\ruby\bin


This file was generated by RubyGems.

The application ‘rails’ is installed as part of a gem, and

this file is here to facilitate running it.

require ‘rubygems’
version = “> 0”
if ARGV.first =~ /^(.*)$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then
version = $1
gem ‘rails’, version
load ‘rails’

Check out the line below: version = “> 0”
They’re parsing the first argument and looking for a string beginning
and ending with underscores. If it exists then it’s checked to see if
it’s a valid Gem version. If that’s true (ie., you have that version
of the gem installed) then a rails app of that version is created.