How to load my own .rbf bitstream?


I’ve created my own .rbf file. I see the USRP loads the FPGA bitstream
from /usr/rev{2,4}/*.rbf, but it doesn’t allow me to copy my .rbf file
into this directory. How can I load my FPGA bitstream?

Thanks in advance.

Yan N. wrote:


I’ve created my own .rbf file. I see the USRP loads the FPGA bitstream
from /usr/rev{2,4}/*.rbf, but it doesn’t allow me to copy my .rbf file
into this directory.
I assume you tried the cp as root?
How can I load my FPGA bitstream?
A quick look at GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference: Main Page (which is a
golden place) I found for instance

(int which_board, unsigned int interp_rate, int nchan, int mux, int
fusb_block_size, int fusb_nblocks, const std::string fpga_filename,
const std::string firmware_filename) throw (std::runtime_error)

Although this is the c++ consturctor for a complex usrp sink, the
mapping to python should be straight forward, and similar syntax (if not
identical) can be used for the other types of sources/sinks.

Hope this helps, and is what you asked for

Thank you so much Matt.

My own .rbf file is already been copied into /usr/local/share/usrp/rev2

I triedÂ
to load the .rbf file for tx and rx as well.
However, I got the error as bellow when I ran the top-level python code.
(I’m modifying the python program and FPGA bitstream of gr-sounder in

Exception exceptions.AttributeError: “sounder instance has no attribute
‘_transmitting’” in <bound method sounder.del of
<gnuradio.sounder.sounder instance at 0x9e3078c>> ignored
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File “./”, line 115, in
 File “./”, line 91, in main
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘which’

I also get this error when I do the simulation in PyDev. what’s the
problem it sould be?

Thanks in advance

----- Original Message -----
From: Mattias K. [email protected]
Date: Monday, January 11, 2010 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to load my own .rbf bitstream?
To: [email protected]

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 08:12:26PM -0500, Yan N. wrote:

Thank you so much Matt.

My own .rbf file is already been copied into /usr/local/share/usrp/rev2 directory.

Copy it into /rev4 also.

I tried
to load the .rbf file for tx and rx as well.
However, I got the error as bellow when I ran the top-level python code. (I’m modifying the python program and FPGA bitstream of gr-sounder in gnuradio.)

Exception exceptions.AttributeError: “sounder instance has no attribute ‘_transmitting’” in <bound method sounder.del of <gnuradio.sounder.sounder instance at 0x9e3078c>> ignored
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 115, in
File “./”, line 91, in main
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘which’

Does your init method have an argument called ‘which’?
It looks from the backtrace that main is passing a keyword argument
named ‘which’ to some code that doesn’t expect one.
