How to limit_req depending if the requests has a REFERER or not

I have something like this… I need to be able to apply three different
limit_req depending:

a.) If the referer to click.php is … apply zone1
b.) If there is some other referer apply zone2 on click.php
c.) If there is no referer apply zone3 on click.php

location /click.php { limit_req zone=one; proxy_pass http://backend;

Thanks guys

On Wednesday 06 June 2012 02:33:09 Joseph C. wrote:

I have something like this… I need to be able to apply three different
limit_req depending:

a.) If the referer to click.php is … apply zone1
b.) If there is some other referer apply zone2 on click.php
c.) If there is no referer apply zone3 on click.php

location /click.php { limit_req zone=one; proxy_pass http://backend; }

Probably, something like this will work:

http {

 map $http_referer $is_referer {
     default  '';
     ~^.      1;

 map $is_referer $no_referer {
     default  1;
     1        '';

 map $invalid_referer $zone1 {
     0  1;
     1  '';

 map $invalid_referer $zone2 {
     0  '';
     1  $is_referer;

 map $invalid_referer $zone3 {
     0  '';
     1  $no_referer;

 limit_req_zone $zone1 zone=zone1:128k rate=50r/s;
 limit_req_zone $zone2 zone=zone2:128k rate=10r/s;
 limit_req_zone $zone3 zone=zone3:128k rate=3r/s;

 server {

     location /click.php {
         limit_req zone=zone3 burst=12;
         limit_req zone=zone2 burst=10 nodelay;
         limit_req zone=zone1 burst=100 nodelay;

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

On Wednesday 06 June 2012 03:31:03 Valentin V. Bartenev wrote:

On Wednesday 06 June 2012 02:33:09 Joseph C. wrote:

I have something like this… I need to be able to apply three different
limit_req depending:

a.) If the referer to click.php is … apply zone1
b.) If there is some other referer apply zone2 on click.php
c.) If there is no referer apply zone3 on click.php

location /click.php { limit_req zone=one; proxy_pass http://backend; }

 map $invalid_referer $zone3 {
     0  '';
     1  $no_referer;


Oops, Ruslan E. pointed out to me that the “false” value of
$invalid_referer is an empty string, not “0”.

Well, then the correct config example is as follows:

http {

 map $http_referer $zone3 {
     default  1;
     ~^.      '';

 map $zone3 $zone2 {
     default  $invalid_referer;
     1        '';

 map $invalid_referer $zone1 {
     default  1;
     1        '';

 limit_req_zone $zone1 zone=zone1:128k rate=50r/s;
 limit_req_zone $zone2 zone=zone2:128k rate=10r/s;
 limit_req_zone $zone3 zone=zone3:128k rate=3r/s;

 server {

     location /click.php {
         limit_req zone=zone3 burst=12;
         limit_req zone=zone2 burst=10 nodelay;
         limit_req zone=zone1 burst=100 nodelay;

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev