How to kill a running spec

Hi guys. Occasionally, I’ll want to kill a long spec process that’s
running. Usually I hit CTRL+c to kill a running process, but doing
that for a running spec just causes “^C” to be printed to the
terminal, and whichever spec example was running to fail.

I’ve also tried using /bin/kill to kill the spec process, but that
just causes whichever spec example was running to catch a
SignalException, and fail.

Any suggestions for how to do this? Thanks,

I just hold ctl+c until it quits out.


On 2008-11-16, at 15:21, Pat M. wrote:

I just hold ctl+c until it quits out.


Hahha, brute force it, eh?

On Nov 16, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Nick H. wrote:

Hi guys. Occasionally, I’ll want to kill a long spec process that’s
running. Usually I hit CTRL+c to kill a running process, but doing
that for a running spec just causes “^C” to be printed to the
terminal, and whichever spec example was running to fail.

I’ve also tried using /bin/kill to kill the spec process, but that
just causes whichever spec example was running to catch a
SignalException, and fail.

What signal are you sending? Is it a kill -9 (a KILL, a TERM, …?)?


On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Sahyoun [email protected] wrote:

   has_many :users, :as => :allowable

When sarah is logged-in, I check she has permission to edit content at with:

def authorized_resource?(resource)
current_user.allowable == resource

I would probably change this method so you are pushing the
responsibility onto your user. For example, I might change the
authorized_resourced method to look like:

def authorized_resource?(resource)

Now in your example you can stub/expect the interaction with the user
object. Pushing this decision for who can access what really should
stay out of your controller. Even though the authorization check is
quite simple right now (ie: user.allowable == resource) this puts more
logic in your controller, makes it slightly harder to test and also

Hope this helps,


it “should send unauthorized user to home page” do

many thanks


rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

Zach D.

On 2008-11-16, at 17:46, Scott T. wrote:

What signal are you sending? Is it a kill -9 (a KILL, a TERM, …?)?


I’ve just been running it as ``kill 12345’’. I stay away from -9, as
it’s a pretty harsh thing to do. I haven’t tried other signals though,
so I should give them a whirl and report back if any of them succeed
in killing the entire spec process.

Thanks Zach,

Your suggestion has put me back on track.



I’m specing a controller, but having trouble getting my head around
what I’ve created.

I’m specing a products controller for an admin user. Two before
filters check the user is logged in and authorized.
A logged-in user only has admin privileges within her own subdomain.
So, sarah, when logged in
can only administer products at

Since there are two account types that require authentication
(supplier and customer),
the user model is polymorphic:

class User
belongs_to :allowable, :polymorphic => true


class Supplier
has_many :users, :as => :allowable

class Customer
has_one :user, :as => :allowable

A supplier has their own subdmain ( and a customer
has a profile page at

When sarah is logged-in, I check she has permission to edit content at with:

def authorized_resource?(resource)
current_user.allowable == resource

‘resource’ being a supplier or customer object.

My mind is failing me trying to describe Admin::ProductsController:

Both examples pass, but I’m not sure I understand exactly what I’m
doing. In particular, can I make:

it “should send unauthorized user to home page” do
controller.should_receive(:authorized_resource?).and_return false
response.should redirect_to(home_path)

pass without stubbing the false return. How can I set up the mock
instances, so that the controller method
‘authorized_resource?’ actually returns a false method. Any guidance
would be much appreciated.

many thanks
