How to invoke RubyParser on a class?

I think I’ve got the basic concept and I got the test case to
work where you can parse “1+1” and then use Ruby2Ruby to get it back
to “1+1.” But how do I get RubyParser to parse a class. I tried
handing it method, proc and lambda objects as well as the class
outright and it always throws an error. What do I need to give
RubyParser to get it to parse a defined class or class::method?

 After two days of searching every lead I could find and reading

the code I’m at wits end, maybe I’m missing something really obvious.
I’d really appreciate any advice I could get.

What do I need to give
RubyParser to get it to parse a defined class or class::method?

With ParseTree there is a method to do this. With RubyParser I don’t
think there is. With 1.9.1 you could use {method, proc}#source_location
to try to re-locate the source and parse it from there.

Excellent, I’ll look into it! Im still in 1.8.6 now but I’m Im working
my way to 1.9.+
Thanks a for the reply, this gives me some much needed direction.