How to integrate two rails project

I have a existing rails project, and i need integrate(plug) into a new
rails project, how?


On Oct 6, 5:36 pm, Ruby N. [email protected] wrote:

I have a existing rails project, and i need integrate(plug) into a new
rails project, how?

What do you mean by integrate ? Without extra details this is a how
long is a piece of string question.


i want to use Yahoobb pack

as a lib and integrate into a new rails project created by me, but
this Yahoobb pack is a rails project, how to do? thanks…

sorry for my poor english

On 10e$B7ne(B7e$BF|e(B, e$B>e8ae(B1e$B;~e(B04e$BJ,e(B, Frederick C.
[email protected]

On Oct 6, 12:19 pm, Ruby N. [email protected] wrote:

i want to use Yahoobb pack
as a lib and integrate into a new rails project created by me, but
this Yahoobb pack is a rails project, how to do? thanks…

Just start with that project instead of creating your own. Then edit
and modify to suit your needs. It’s just a way for you to start out
with some pre-written code.
