How to install Tk in Linux Mint 19.1?

I’ll try some solutions and I don’t know how to install Tk in Linux Mint 19.1.
This is Ruby version I have installed:
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux-gnu]**

Thank you for your time

You should be able to install Tk via the synatic package manager and then install the Ruby wrapper via ruby gems.

I tried installing it on my Linux Mint station(19.1) and it failed too. It keeps asking for version 8.5 or 8.4 even when I install the Tk dev files for 8.5. You’ll have to open an issue here:

And see if the maintainers can find a solution.

Writing GUI applications with Ruby really sucks. Tk for example, takes 1 second to load up! You also get hundreds of warning message with Tk as well… They don’t fix it…

TK was taken out and made a gem in 2.5.
I made a patch that fix the install issue, however, mint is the only distro I can’t get it to work with. Which is wierd because it works on Ubuntu and mint is a Ubuntu offshoot.

This being said, you can get TK to work on newer versions with Debian, Ubuntu, and others (not mint).

You can get the Ruby version manager and use your to programs under 2.3.1 on mint. That version TK is still apart of the Ruby core.

And obviously the guy didn’t know what he was doing. It may be a bit dated but TK is a great tool for making basic GUI applications.