When I try to add generator to controller, I got error as “Missing the
Rails 2.3.5 gem. Please gem install -v=2.3.5 rails
, update your
RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version
you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the
latest version installed.”
Can somebody please let me know how to install rails gem 2.3.5
successfully on a window machine
Thanks in advance for your help
What error do you get when you run “gem install rails” from the
command line?
E. Litwin wrote:
What error do you get when you run “gem install rails” from the
command line?
I am getting below error
ERROR: http://gems.rubyonrails.org/ does not appear to be a repository
ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository
It should work. It worked for me.
try gem install rails -v=2.3.5
instead of
gem install rails --v=2.3.5
Bob wrote:
Have you tried running the following in a command line window?
gem update --system
When I tried with ‘gem update --system’, got following error
ERROR: http://gems.rubyforge.org/ does not appear to be a repository
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
bad response Not Found 404 (RubyGems.org | your community gem host)
Have you tried running the following in a command line window?
gem update --system
nirosh wrote:
It should work. It worked for me.
try gem install rails -v=2.3.5
instead of
gem install rails --v=2.3.5
When I tried with ‘gem install rails -v=2.3.5’, got following error
ERROR: http://gems.rubyforge.org/ does not appear to be a repository
ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository
nirosh wrote:
better remove your ruby folder manually from the C:
and try to reinstall then try the earlier command
Thanks for help, I have updated it now using netbeans, it is worknig
just to clarify…you ran “gem update --system” by itself and not as
an option on your “gem install rails” command correct?
Also, try adding http://rubygems.org/ to your gem sources by running
the following command…
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org/
After that is run, try updating system again with…
gem update --system
and then try installing rails again with…
gem install rails -v 2.3.5
Hope this helps,
better remove your ruby folder manually from the C:
and try to reinstall then try the earlier command
Bob wrote:
just to clarify…you ran “gem update --system” by itself and not as
an option on your “gem install rails” command correct?
Also, try adding http://rubygems.org/ to your gem sources by running
the following command…
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org/
After that is run, try updating system again with…
gem update --system
and then try installing rails again with…
gem install rails -v 2.3.5
Hope this helps,
Thanks bob, it is working now