How to install new version of SQLite in the bundle?

I am learning rails and referring to the – Ruby on Rails Guides:
Getting Started with Rails.

I executed command: bundle install

It displayed a lot of names and among them was SQLite. I see that it is
of old version and want to install the latest version of SQLite. Should
I just replace the SQLite dll located in the path shown or is there any
other way?

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Rubyist R. [email protected]

Rohit, the version of the SQLite Ruby gem and the SQLite library are
Now, if you want to install a new version of the SQLite library, then I
reinstalling the SQLite Ruby gem again.

Good luck,


Where is the latest SQLite Ruby Gem located?

Rubyist R. wrote in post #1014558:

I am learning rails and referring to the – Ruby on Rails Guides:
Getting Started with Rails.

I executed command: bundle install

It displayed a lot of names and among them was SQLite.

bundle install is used to install all the gems listed in your Gemfile.
Your Gemfile is in the folder:


I see that it is
of old version and want to install the latest version of SQLite. Should
I just replace the SQLite dll located in the path shown or is there any
other way?

Here’s a description of how bundle install works, and how you can
specify versions in your Gemfile: