How to insert a batch of records into db more efficiently

I am currently using the standard AR method create to insert records
into oracle db. It seems that the create method generates an INSERT sql
command for each record, and execute them separately. I felt that it was
a bit slow.(For a record with about 50 columns, the insert speed is 25.3
records per second, and for a record with 4 columns, the insert speed is
115.25 records per second)

Since all the data have been stored in an array/hash (as the structure
in db) before the inserting, I wonder if there is a more efficient way
to write all the data into the db.(e.g. a table level command/an one-off
command to insert or update a table)

Is there anyone who is experienced in that field? I really appreciate
your help.


I would not say this is the best style (pretty ugly in fact), but for
bulk inserts I have gotten much better performance using a raw SQL

You can get the connection to the DB using the ‘connection’ method on
an AR class. Then there are methods to execute raw SQL commands
documented under “database statements” module at

Using this you can insert multiple rows, or just avoid the AR overhead
for creating and dealing with objects.

On May 21, 4:44 am, Guanliang L. [email protected]

more efficient way to write all the data into the db.(e.g. a
table level command/an one-off command to insert or update a table)

You could either use the AR connection directly to write raw sql, or you
could try using the ActiveRecord Extensions module. I don’t know that it
supports true batch insertion, but it does obviate the need to construct
a model object for each new row, which is where most of the cost of mass
imports seems to be. My mass imports went from hours to minutes once I
switched to it.

  • donald

Yes, ar::extensions does do a true batch insert, it even supports
MySQL’s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax, and it also verifies the size
of the query and breaks it down into individual queries as necessary
(ie. if you are inserting more than the MAX_PACKET_SIZE). It also
does a lot of other cool stuff. The hash-based condition extensions
via suffix are my favorite:

On May 21, 10:47 am, “Ball, Donald A Jr (Library)”

Thanks a lot to all you guys :slight_smile:

I will try the AR::extensions when I finish the current module. It
sounds a neater way than writing raw sql directly.

OK, here is another quick question.

I have installed the AR-E using the following command

gem install ar-extensions

the prompted message said the installation was successful. but when I
try to invoke the import method, I got

NoMethodError in PasController#import
undefined method `import’ for Paspatient:Class

I did exactly the same thing as the example showed in Is there any setups I
should do before using it? or do I need to add a require ‘…’
somewhere in my Paspatient class or in my controller?

Many thanks.

I answered this in a private email, but in case someone searches
archives and has this problem. The issue was that import was being
called on the controller and not on the model. It must be called on
the model,

ie: Book.import

See for more information


On May 22, 11:35 am, Guanliang L. [email protected]

Hi, I don’t know if anyone can help me but I was trying to do a batch
insert but got an error saying that there was a problem with the
generated SQL.
Anyone know how to fix this?

<2007-06-15 00:10:46> SQL (0.012701) INSERT INTO numbers
(num1,num2) VALUES
<2007-06-15 00:10:46> Review Load (0.000000) Mysql::Error:
#42000You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ‘=> 509081924,1620644) LIMIT 1’ at line 1: SELECT * FROM reviews
WHERE (user_id => 509081924,1620644) LIMIT 1

zdennis wrote:

I answered this in a private email, but in case someone searches
archives and has this problem. The issue was that import was being
called on the controller and not on the model. It must be called on
the model,

ie: Book.import

See for more information


On May 22, 11:35 am, Guanliang L. [email protected]

Can you send me the import code you had written that produced this
error? Email me privately, thanks,


zdennis wrote:

Can you send me the import code you had written that produced this
error? Email me privately, thanks,


Can any one show the sample code here for how to use the
ActiveRecord::extensions methods?

It will be useful for every one to get some idea on that.

My friend Jonah wrote Crewait, which is easier and faster than
ARExtensions for bulk insertion.

I have been facing this problem for a while now. ar-extensions is
really good but it doesn’t preserve the links between models like
one-to-one many-to-many etc.

I am trying to insert ~1M records daily. ActiveRecord hasn’t a hope of
doing this in a reasonable time.

I am hoping that I am using the plugin in the wrong way. Anyone else
have similar problems?


On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Fitz F. [email protected] wrote:

I have been facing this problem for a while now. ar-extensions is
really good but it doesn’t preserve the links between models like
one-to-one many-to-many etc.

Have you tried doing batches via transactions? By default activerecord
make every save operation it’s own transaction which adds overhead to
the DB
in many setups. See ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods, and put
ten or
a hundred records at a time in a transaction wrapper and see what you
The improvement you see from this depends on the DB engine in use as
well as
how much the DB is actually the bottleneck versus the processing you’re
doing application-side per record. I suspect your problem is actually a
combination of both DB overhead and unoptimized application logic. You
want to try some profiling of your application to see where the
really is - at the scale of 1M operations per day it’s worth doing some

That’s my 2 cents, the disclaimer is that I am by no means a rails
Just trying to help out where I can.


Josh _ wrote in post #901845:

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Fitz F. [email protected] wrote:

I have been facing this problem for a while now. ar-extensions is
really good but it doesn’t preserve the links between models like
one-to-one many-to-many etc.

Have you tried doing batches via transactions? By default activerecord
make every save operation it’s own transaction which adds overhead to
the DB
in many setups. See ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods, and put
ten or
a hundred records at a time in a transaction wrapper and see what you

A m a z i n g !

I had outstanding improvements !

Just wrap your bulk create like this:
Model.transaction do
something.each {
m = create(…)

And the best thing is you dont loose your validations.

Thanks a lot,