Hi all, I dont know how to handle cookie with ruby.
the problem is I want to fetch content from a website which need login
I use the http.post to do the login and seemed works well, but when I
to the index page, still I got the login first message.
so, any suggestions?
---------------------below is my code---------------------------
require ‘net/http’
require ‘cgi’
require ‘iconv’
def fetch_content
Net::HTTP.start (‘domain’ ) do |server|
id = CGI.escape(“id” )
passwd = CGI.escape(“pw” )
params = “id=#{id}&pwpwd=#{passwd}”
resp = server.post2(’/login.php?’ , params,headers)
# I got a 200 OK, the resp.body shows that the login is successful
params = ""
resp = server.post2('/index.php' , params,headers)
# after checking the resp.body , the index page still says I need to