If i have two models like Question and Answer. Question has three
like question_id, question_type, question_text and Answer has three
values answer_id,
question_id, answer_text.
Here, I am using the hidden field to find the question_type. I tried the
map method,
but that doesn’t work. So Somebody help me to get the question_type
by the selection of thatquestion_id.
If i have two models like Question and Answer. Question has three columns
like question_id, question_type, question_text and Answer has three values
answer_id, question_id, answer_text.
Question should generally not have a question_id field, it should just
have the default id field. Unless that is you have some unusual
value by the selection of thatquestion_id.
You have not shown us the relationship between the models (has_many,
belongs_to or whatever). That information is critical to answering
the question.
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