How to get parameters to controller from view using <input tag?

Hello! I’m everywhere searching the answer for my question. How to get
parameters to controller from view using <input tag. But I want to do
this without db. I have the code:

class TranslateController < ApplicationController
def start
@time =

def result
@rez = params[:name]

Translate numbers from 10 to 16 system

Type your number and press link

Time is <%= @time %>

<%= link_to "Result", :action => "result" %>

Translate numbers from 10 to 16 system

It's result of your translation

<%= @rez %>

Back to <%= link_to "1 st page", :action => "start"%>

I’m new in Ruby. ( please, help with all it

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On Dec 28, 2:49 pm, veronika [email protected] wrote:

Hello! I’m everywhere searching the answer for my question. How to get
parameters to controller from view using <input tag. But I want to do
this without db. I have the code:

Use the form helpers (text_field_tag etc. The rails guide on forms has
examples: )


            <h2> <%= @rez %></h2>
            <p> Back to <%= link_to "1 st page", :action => "start"%> </p>

I’m new in Ruby. ( please, help with all it

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I found interesting site:
I try to do my work the same path, but get error:
“wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)”.
I would like to know: can I do the same without Web-client (example)?

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