How to get observe_field to use GET method?

Hi All.

I am trying to set-up observe_field so that it uses the GET method (To
work with a RESTful controller).

<%= link_to_remote(“Test”, :update => “main”, :url => { :controller =>
“projects”, :action => “show”, :id => “3”}, :method => “get” ) %>

<%= observe_field(“project_selector”, :update => “main”, :url => {
:controller => “projects”, :action => “show”}, :with =>
“‘id=’+escape(value)”) %>

I have successfully set-up a link_to_remote so that it works (although I
had to replace the project_path URL with the :controller and :action) as
you can see above however I cannot for the life of me get the
observe_field to work. (Putting :method => ‘get’ into the :url hash
doesn’t work)

Looking at the API there is no html_options specified in the observe
field method so I am wondering if it is possible and I am missing
something or do I need to submit a ticket on edge rails to get all the
prototype helpers updated to allow a :method for RESTful compatibility.

Any help would be much appreciated



I think that :method => ‘get’ is what you want - But it doesn’t need to
go in the :url hash. It should be just like link_to_remote, i.e.
observe_field(“project_selector”, :method => ‘get’, etc…)
The ajax prototype helpers end up calling options_for_ajax which is
clearly looking out for the presence of a method parameter.


Frederick C. wrote:

I think that :method => ‘get’ is what you want - But it doesn’t need to
go in the :url hash. It should be just like link_to_remote, i.e.
observe_field(“project_selector”, :method => ‘get’, etc…)
The ajax prototype helpers end up calling options_for_ajax which is
clearly looking out for the presence of a method parameter.


Hoi Fred.

I was afraid that would be the answer :slight_smile: When I do this (and have done
this in the past) the request seems to get screwed up as you can see
from the log below:

Processing ProjectsController#index (for at 2006-11-05
08:16:06) [GET]
Session ID: 2a9b3a8394f406523f33929918b93099
Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “id”=>“3”, “controller”=>“projects”,

The request is correctly sent as a GET but the action gets changed to
“index” and a “_”=>nil parameter is created for some reason.

Before I started raising tickets I wanted to be sure it is a problem
with edge rather than me just not understanding the helpers. Does anyone
know what is causing this?

Many thanks


[email protected] wrote:

I’m stuck in the same problem with GET, observer_field and REST
controller with the “_” stuff (some days already :slight_smile:

Have you got any solution or did you raised the ticket?


I have raised a ticket although the description is slightly different.

I believe the action is going to “index” because the “id” parameter in
:with is not honoured by the restful controller as a proper ID (in that
it doesn’t use the id value specified in the :with hash to construct the
URL which, with a restful get request, means that it goes to the index).

I am still a relative newbie so if you can add some better details it
will probably help

I’m stuck in the same problem with GET, observer_field and REST
controller with the “_” stuff (some days already :slight_smile:

Have you got any solution or did you raised the ticket?
