How to get a list of Gems?


I need help in gettng a list of gems. When I use
gem list --remote

it works but in windows prompt the list is truncated. Increasing the
buffer does not help.
I tried to do a dump to a file but it only reads the first line the

gem list --remote -> list.txt

Anyone know a trick for this?


tesla wrote:


I need help in gettng a list of gems. When I use
gem list --remote

it works but in windows prompt the list is truncated. Increasing the
buffer does not help.
I tried to do a dump to a file but it only reads the first line the quits

gem list --remote -> list.txt

gem list --remote > list.txt

Anyone know a trick for this?



Marcin Mielżyński wrote:


Duh! what a dummy I am !

Thanks for catching that habitual scripting typo :wink:
