How to get a 404 logged with try_files?

Hi! Just started with Nginx after reading it reached 1.0.

I’m trying to get my test site to return a “missing image” icon when an
image is missing, but have a 404 logged so I know I messed up something.
I want to specify the images name without file extensions, in case I
move some from PNG to JPG, or the other way around. My problem is that
try_files doc says last path MUST exist. I would like last path to be
$uri and cause a 404, not a 500. Tried using error_page to convert 500
to 404, but did not have any effect. Thanks for any advice!

location ~ ^/img/[^.]*$ {
try_files $uri.png $uri.jpg $uri.gif $uri;
error_page 500 =404 /img/missing;

location /img/ {
error_page 404 /img/missing;

location = /img/missing {
rewrite .* /img/icon/missing.png;

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Found it! It must look like this, putting =404 as last location in

location ~ ^/img/[^.]*$ {
try_files $uri.png $uri.jpg $uri.gif $uri =404;
error_page 404 /img/missing;

That would be useful information to put in the try_files wiki…

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 10:22:50AM -0400, monster wrote:

rewrite .* /img/icon/missing.png;


location /img/ {
error_page 404 /img/icon/missing.png;

location ~ ^/img/[^\.]*$ {
    try_files $uri.png $uri.jpg $uri.gif $uri =404;


location = /img/icon/missing.png {
# nothing

Igor S.