How to find out image width and height which is saved in database?

How to find out image width and height which is saved in database,
with out using any applications or addons Please help

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:15 AM, seenu wrote:

How to find out image width and height which is saved in database,
with out using any applications or addons Please help

You could do what I did: ImageSize finds the width x height · GitHub

Then you can do things like:

irb> require ‘image_size’
=> true
irb> x=ImageSize.of_file(‘/Users/rab/Pictures/Boston_MIT_8L4L2442.jpg’)
=> #<ImageSize:0x32df98 @height=678, @image=#<File:/Users/rab/Pictures/
Boston_MIT_8L4L2442.jpg (closed)>, @width=1024,
\020\027\024\030\030\027\024\026\026\032\035%\037\032\e#\034\026\026 ,
irb> x.width
=> 1024
irb> x.height
=> 678
irb> x.dimensions
=> [1024, 678]
irb> x.size
=> “1024x678”
irb> x.content_type
=> “image/jpeg”

Well, unless you consider that an addon, of course.


Rob B.
[email protected]