How to "find" new lines

I am new to ruby, and was trying to make a small code which would check
if a string has only new line character in it. At the end I found that a
method “inspect” will do the trick.

Is that the only way to handle new line characters?

How about other special characters, if there is a need to search for
them in a text?

Code that didn’t work:

if txtArray[i] <=> “\n” then

Code that worked:

if txtArray[i].inspect <=> “\n” then

Actually inspect didn’t work. I had a typo :), please help

Thanks for all comments.

I assume that txtArray is a String in spite of the name. If so, then
comparison is probably easiest done through regular expressions:

if txtArray =~ /\n/


Thanks, that worked.

I am on the way of learning more, and there is so much to learn!

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 06:10:37AM +0900, Damir S. wrote:

Thanks, that worked.

I am on the way of learning more, and there is so much to learn!

There’s also a method call syntax for that:

if string.match("\n")

. . . in case you find circumstances where you’d prefer that approach.

And if you want to replace all the newlines in some text, you can use

hello world
hi again world

result = str.gsub(/\n/, ’ ')
puts result

hello world goodbye hi again world

7stud is right. I missed the important word “only” in your original
My original method will produce false positives if you are indeed
interested in finding strings which are only “\n”.

The “==” method works fine. Regexp is also possible (though probably
slower) if done as:

if str =~ /^\n$/

Actually, that solution does not work, as you can see here:

strings = [“hello\n”, “\n”]

strings.each do |str|
if str =~ /\n/
puts “yes – #{str}”

yes – hello
yes –

If you want to test whether a string contains only a newline, you can
use ==:

strings = [“hello\n”, “\n”]

strings.each do |str|
if str == “\n”
puts “yes -->#{str}<–”

yes -->

Note that double quotes are required around the string “\n” for ruby to
interpret the ‘’ and ‘n’ combination as a newline.

And if what you are really after is to remove a newline at the end of a
string, you can use chomp():

strings = [“hello\n”, “hello”]

strings.each do |str|
puts “–> #{str.chomp} <–”

–> hello <–
–> hello <–

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Damir S. [email protected] wrote:

if txtArray[i] <=> “\n” then

Code that worked:

if txtArray[i].inspect <=> “\n” then

Thanks for all comments.

If you want to remove the trailing newline, this may help as well:

irb(main):005:0> s=“foo\n”
=> “foo\n”
irb(main):006:0> s.chomp! and puts “there was a newline!”
there was a newline!
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> s
=> “foo”
irb(main):008:0> s.chomp! and puts “there was a newline!”
=> nil

Kind regards


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Robert K.
[email protected] wrote:

Code that didn’t work:

irb(main):005:0> s=“foo\n”
=> “foo\n”
irb(main):006:0> s.chomp! and puts “there was a newline!”
there was a newline!
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> s
=> “foo”
irb(main):008:0> s.chomp! and puts “there was a newline!”
=> nil

For the “only newline” check you could do

irb(main):010:0> s=“foo\n”
=> “foo\n”
irb(main):011:0> s.chomp! == “”
=> false
irb(main):012:0> s=“\n”
=> “\n”
irb(main):013:0> s.chomp! == “”
=> true

Kind regards


Damir, to know if a string is exactly a newline, please simply use ==:

if str == “\n”


There are indirect ways to get the same result, you can also go from
Barcelona to Paris via New York, but a straight line is nicer.

Please people stop suggesting regexps for this simple problem.

Chris K. wrote in post #989369:

7stud is right. I missed the important word “only” in your original
My original method will produce false positives if you are indeed
interested in finding strings which are only “\n”.

The “==” method works fine. Regexp is also possible (though probably
slower) if done as:

if str =~ /^\n$/

Wrong - that doesn’t match only strings containing just a newline.

str = “\n”
=> “\n”

str =~ /^\n$/
=> 0

str = “\n\n”
=> “\n\n”

str =~ /^\n$/
=> 0

str = “\n\nabc”
=> “\n\nabc”

str =~ /^\n$/
=> 0

With a regexp, you need str =~ /\A\n\z/

str = “\n”
=> “\n”

str =~ /\A\n\z/
=> 0

str = “\n\n”
=> “\n\n”

str =~ /\A\n\z/
=> nil

str = “\n\nabc”
=> “\n\nabc”

str =~ /\A\n\z/
=> nil

(beware: this is an area where Ruby’s regexps are not the same as
Perl’s regexps)

don’t know if this will help you but ruby 1.9 has the each_line method.


def line_count( s)
c = 0
s.each_line { |l| c+=1 }
return( c)

line_count( “I am \na multi\nline\nstring!”)
=> 4

if you want to test against the ascii equivalent in 1.8.7 it’s ?\n and
in 1.9.2 it’s “\n”.ord which should return 10 in decimal format.