How to escape a forward slash with gsub, also does interpolation work with gsub?

I am trying this:

I want to replace all the text in between java comments:

/* start /
replace this text here
end */

I’m trying:

text.gsub(//* start /(.)/* end *//im, replace_with)

But i’m getting errors relating to expecting keyword_end.

How should I be escaping /* and */ ?

Also, does string interpolation work in gsub regex? Say I had variables

start_tag = “/* start /"
end_tag = "/
end */”

I want to do:

text.gsub("#{start_tag}(.*)#{end_tag}", replace_with)

You have to escape the slashes and asterisk in the regex, as they are
regular expression characters. is a great place to
and play around with regular expressions.

text.gsub(/\/\* start \*\/(.*)\/\* end \*\//im, replace_with)

Yes, interpolation works in regular expressions:

text.gsub(/#{start_tag}(.*)#{end_tag}/, replace_with)


BTW, is it possible that during the replace, it leaves the start/end
Currently it is replacing it also, I want the comments to be there after
the replacement.

Quoting S Ahmed [email protected]:

text.gsub(//* start /(.)/* end *//im, replace_with)

But i’m getting errors relating to expecting keyword_end.

How should I be escaping /* and */ ?

text.gsub(//* start */(.*)/* end *//im, replace_with)

Slightly simpler
text.gsub(%r{/* start */(.*)/* end */}im, replace_with)

gsub takes regex, not strings

text.gsub(/#{start_tag}(.*)#{end_tag}/, replace_with)

Special characters do need to be escaped in start_tag and end_tag, but
in this
case only the asterisks, not the slashes.
