I wish to select one value from drop down and second drop down should
those values which are related to that selected value
from first drop down.
It should be dynamic ?
Did i have to use Ajax ?
I wish to select one value from drop down and second drop down should
those values which are related to that selected value
from first drop down.
It should be dynamic ?
Did i have to use Ajax ?
It should be done using javascript. Or if you want to get the values of
second dropdown from server then you have to use AJAX.
It should be done using javascript. Or if you want to get the values of
second dropdown from server then you have to use AJAX.
I don’t have specific tutorials to follow. Google is your best companion
for this purpose. If you can share some of your code then I can help you
take a start.
can i get tutorial and help ful links …
I wish use both javascript and Ajax…
I understood the question but I don’t know that why I am unable to
this. I think you should provide me the HTML code which is shown in page
source after the page is loaded. It’s embarrassing for me that I am
to understand the code in your html.erb file.
code :
<%= f.select :area_id, Area.all.collect {|p| [ p.name, p.id ] },
:class=>“small” %>
Milk Mans
<%= f.select :milkman_id, Milkman.all.collect {|p| [ p.name, p.id ] },
:class=>“small” %>
When i select any area then i should see only those milkmans of that
Till now i getting all milkmans in my select box.
How to do this with Ajax ?
Hope u will understand question now ?
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