How to display the terminal output to the page in real time

Hi, I’m New Here and also with Ruby on Rails

use ubuntu 12

My question would be, how to display the terminal output to the page in
real time.

I am doing the following.

In the controller

def run

    @terminal =  IO.popen('./rcracki_mt  -l hashtxt.txt -t 4 SHA1 ')



In view

<%= @terminal %>

This works, but only prints the result once I finish running the program
(. / Rcracki_mt)

Is there any way to get terminal output showing in real time?

Thanks and sorry for my English (google translator)


you need something like pusher or maybe an ajax call that executes every
seconds (maybe more), depends on the amount of data you are going to
retrieve (because it may crash your app)

Javier Q.

Thanks for the reply, I will investigate for that side