How to display a family tree

I am wondering if there is any plugins or gems that could help me to
display a family tree using the rails framework. For example I have a
database with father mother relationships on every person and would like
some help on how to graphically display a family tree.

Tim Dunn wrote:

I am wondering if there is any plugins or gems that could help me to
display a family tree using the rails framework. For example I have a
database with father mother relationships on every person and would like
some help on how to graphically display a family tree.

Google for [rails mindmap].

The roadblock will be a family tree must be scrollable and collapsible.
Otherwise you overwhelm your user with info!

Phlip wrote:

Tim Dunn wrote:

I am wondering if there is any plugins or gems that could help me to
display a family tree using the rails framework. For example I have a
database with father mother relationships on every person and would like
some help on how to graphically display a family tree.

Google for [rails mindmap].

The roadblock will be a family tree must be scrollable and collapsible.
Otherwise you overwhelm your user with info!

Thanks that looks pretty promising!
I am wondering how to go about using my data to do it and how to
implement it into my application. Sorry I am new to these plugin things.