How to disable/not to send Last-Modified Header

We are using NGINX to front end Jetty Server, serving static content is
done by NGINX and we want to disable/remove the Last-Modified Header.

The Reason why we want to disable this header is to eliminate validation
requests If-Modified-Since. The build process automatically changes the
filename of the static artefacts every when we deploy new version, so
these validation requests are not necessary.

Thank you for your help!

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:08:43PM -0500, tunggad wrote:

We are using NGINX to front end Jetty Server, serving static content is done by NGINX and we want to disable/remove the Last-Modified Header.

The Reason why we want to disable this header is to eliminate validation requests If-Modified-Since. The build process automatically changes the filename of the static artefacts every when we deploy new version, so these validation requests are not necessary.

Disabling If-Modified-Since validation:

 if_modified_since  off;

Removing Last-Modified header:

 add_header  Last-Modified  "";

However, I do not see why If-Modified-Since may hinder if you generete
unique names.

Igor S.

Thank you Igor!

sure, with or without Last-Modified header does not matter with
generating unique names for the static artifacts (js, css, images).
But setting Last-Modified header results the browsers send
if_modified_since to nginx to check freshness of the files, which are
actually unnecessary, cost server processing time.

Setting Expires Header and change name of the files are enough to ensure
that the browsers always get the fresh version at the right time. is it
right so ?

Again, thank you igor!

Posted at Nginx Forum:


Sorry for the bump, but this didn’t fix the issue in my case.

I have static files that never change. I want to set future expires
header for them and to force the browser NOT to check if the cached
version is valid with if-modified-since conditional GET.

when I remove the Last-Modified header in nginx like Igor suggested,
Only the expires and cache-control (max-age…) get sent, but I think
the browser doesn’t even save the resource in cache (tried with both IE8
and FF3.6).

This is my related configuration block:

location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|htc)$ {
   expires               max;
   add_header      Cache-Control public;


Posted at Nginx Forum:

Hi Maxim,

Thank you for your wonderful answer. Much appreciated!

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 04:12:14PM -0500, bartzy wrote:

Sorry for the bump, but this didn’t fix the issue in my case.

I have static files that never change. I want to set future expires
header for them and to force the browser NOT to check if the cached
version is valid with if-modified-since conditional GET.

Short answer: you can’t.

Long answer: browsers do whatever they want and can’t be forced to
not check cached resource. Most of the checks may be avoided with
“expires max;” directive, but not all.

when I remove the Last-Modified header in nginx like Igor suggested,
Only the expires and cache-control (max-age…) get sent, but I think
the browser doesn’t even save the resource in cache (tried with both IE8
and FF3.6).

Igor never suggested to remove Last-Modified header, he just
answered how to do it. It’s thread starter who thinks this will

Maxim D.