How to delete nested resource?


I got News model that has_one Asset. Asset belongs_to News.
AssetsController has only detroy method, asset is created in
NewsController create action. Both resources are in admin namespace.

Now I’d like to delete the asset. I tried something like this:

<%= link_to ‘delete’, admin_news_item_asset_path(@news,
@news.asset), :confirm => ‘Are you sure?’, :method => :delete %>

but I get the following error:

undefined method has_key?' for #<Asset:0xb6a22798> vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb: 240:inmethod_missing’
association_proxy.rb:128:in send' vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/ association_proxy.rb:128:inmethod_missing’
(eval):3:in `admin_news_item_asset_path’

If I use the following link:
<%= link_to ‘delete’, admin_news_item_asset_path(@news), :confirm =>
‘Are you sure?’, :method => :delete %>
I don’t get any errors, but I don’t get asset id as well, only
news_item_id. I could use this to delete associated asset, but I’d
like to make it work as it should.

The routes are as follows:
map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :news, :singular => ‘news_item’, :member =>
{ :preview => :get } do |news_item|
news_item.resource :asset

I’m using rails 2.0.2.

Thanks in advance

not 100% sure, but:
admin_news_item_asset_path(@news, @news.asset)

should be something like:
admin_news_item_asset_path(@news, :asset_id => @news.asset)

since rails can guess the param name (:id) only for those
parts of the path, that are declared in the routes, all
others must be named in hash fashion

but i’m not sure, if you need that here.
why hand over the, if it’s stored in @news anyway
you could simply call the thing for @news
and in destroy use @news.asset

or in the has_one declaration simply add:
has_one :asset, :dependent => destroy
and you’ll never have to think about it again…

On Mar 21, 11:22 am, Thorsten M. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:

Posted via

It works, but I still think that rails should automatically figure out
ID of the second parameter passed.

If I run “rake routes”, I can see “admin_news_item_asset_path” listed
there together with DELETE method… The generated url is “/admin/news/
23/asset?id=35”, but it should be enough for rails to figure out ID of
the asset even with url like this “/admin/news/23/asset”.

Em Friday 21 March 2008, szimek escreveu:

The generated url is “/admin/news/
23/asset?id=35”, but it should be enough for rails to figure out ID of
the asset even with url like this “/admin/news/23/asset”.

Only if news has_one asset. Otherwise, Rails can’t figure out which of
assets you want to delete.

Sorry my poor English.

Best regards,

Davi V.

E-mail: [email protected]
MSN : [email protected]
GTalk : [email protected]
Skype : davi vidal
YIM : davi_vidal
ICQ : 138815296

Em Friday 21 March 2008, szimek escreveu:

On Mar 21, 12:41 pm, Davi V. [email protected] wrote:

Em Friday 21 March 2008, szimek escreveu:

The generated url is “/admin/news/
23/asset?id=35”, but it should be enough for rails to figure out ID of
the asset even with url like this “/admin/news/23/asset”.

    Only if news has_one asset. Otherwise, Rails can't figure out

which of N assets you want to delete.

Thanks, but I have specified the relationship: News has_one :asset,
Asset belongs_to :news.

Sorry. I missed the point here. You’re right.

Best regards,

Davi V.

E-mail: [email protected]
MSN : [email protected]
GTalk : [email protected]
Skype : davi vidal
YIM : davi_vidal
ICQ : 138815296

On Mar 21, 12:41 pm, Davi V. [email protected] wrote:

    Sorry my poor English.

ICQ : 138815296
Thanks, but I have specified the relationship: News has_one :asset,
Asset belongs_to :news.

BTW. I’m using edge rails 67328 and not 2.0.2 version.