How to delete a single item here.cant be so hard!

Hi, im new to Ruby on Rails and im trying to do the following

i = 1
@elements = Post.find(:all)
@elements.each do |el|
# remove el from @elements

How can i achieve this? i was trying to do
el.delete but that is going to delete the element from the database
and i just want the element to be removed from current listing. im
implementing a search functionality and i want to filter the results
from Post.find(:all). In the real app i cant do it by sql.


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Juan manuel V.
[email protected]wrote:

How can i achieve this? i was trying to do
el.delete but that is going to delete the element from the database
and i just want the element to be removed from current listing. im
implementing a search functionality and i want to filter the results
from Post.find(:all). In the real app i cant do it by sql.

There’s more than one way. The first one that comes to mind is just the
difference of 2 arrays:
@elements = @elements - [el]
#@elements will now equal itself, minus the element that matched ‘test’

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Juan manuel V. [email protected]

@elements = Post.find(:all)
@elements.each do |el|

remove el from @elements


First, it would be more readable for you or another maintainer
down the road to write this as

@posts = Post.all
@posts.each do |post|

How can i achieve this? i was trying to do
el.delete but that is going to delete the element from the database
and i just want the element to be removed from current listing.

@posts is an Array; look at the rdoc for methods available.

And finally, you could replace the .each loop with one line:

@posts.delete( Post.find_by_name(“test”) )


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Juan manuel V.
[email protected]wrote:

from class Array - RDoc Documentation

@elements.reject! {|el| == ‘test’}

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