How to delete a parent record and child records?

Wow, got myself lost as soon as I left the hand-holding exercises in
the books.

I’m trying to set it up so when I click the (scaffold-generated)
‘destroy’ link on one (of a list) of parent MySQL records, the children
records in a different table get deleted also.

Very simple setup: my tables are ‘customers’ and ‘accounts’

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :accounts, :order => “cmp_code”

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer

I used migrate to create the tables.
The table ‘accounts’ has a field called customer_id (int).

It was easy to add a “add new account to this customer” form to the
show.rhtml for my ‘list’ view. That works great. And I can destroy a
customer record just fine (using the auto-generated destroy link). But I
can’t figure out how to also destroy the accounts that are associated
with a customer via customer_id.

I have a
class ListController < ApplicationController
that lists all the customers, no problem.

That ListController class has the default destroy method that deletes
the selected customer from the database, simply:

My questions:

  1. Should a MySQL foreign key have been created (either automatically or
    by me) in the database? Because MySql Admin does not show any foreign

  2. Should a destroy on the parent in ‘customers’ destroy the children in
    ‘accounts’ due to the dynamically-created has_many and belongs_to
    relationships? (It doesn’t, hence this post) I thought that was one of
    the purposes of the has_many and belongs_to ?

  3. Assuming the answer to (2) is ‘no’ and I have to do that
    destroy-children records manually, what code would I add to the destroy
    method so the accounts are deleted where accounts[customer_id] = the id
    for the record whose ‘destroy’ link is clicked? I’m sure it;s simple,
    but I tried several things with no luck.


On 6/16/06, william Jo [email protected] wrote:

Wow, got myself lost as soon as I left the hand-holding exercises in
the books.

I’m trying to set it up so when I click the (scaffold-generated)
‘destroy’ link on one (of a list) of parent MySQL records, the children
records in a different table get deleted also.

This is a lot simpler than you might think in Rails. You don’t need to
anything special to your database,unless you want to of course;) You
to add an option to your has_many method call. :dependent => :destroy
Thats it. Add this to each has many in a chain of parent child eg
parent → child → grandchild

There will be a has_many in the parent and the child. If you put in the
:dependent option in these calls, they will be called automatically when
object is destroyed.

Note that it must be destroyed an not deleted.

You can read more about it at the dox for has_many

Very simple setup: my tables are ‘customers’ and ‘accounts’

Daniel ----- wrote:

This is a lot simpler than you might think in Rails. You don’t need to
anything special to your database,unless you want to of course;) You
to add an option to your has_many method call. :dependent => :destroy
Thats it. Add this to each has many in a chain of parent child eg

OMG. That’s kinda cool. Thank you!