How to debug a Rails application in emacs?

Hi folks,

I’ve just installed rdebug in emacs and it works fine for ruby
scripts, but I cannot get it to work in a Rails application. Is this
doable? If so, what are the instructions for it?

Thanks in advance,

Houman D. wrote:

Hi folks,

I’ve just installed rdebug in emacs and it works fine for ruby
scripts, but I cannot get it to work in a Rails application. Is this
doable? If so, what are the instructions for it?

Thanks in advance,

Although the real guru’s here may correct this, I’m doubting you’re
going to be able to do it in emacs.

The debugger works through the console that is used to start the test
server. It’s enabled by using the --debugger (or -u) option:

 ruby script/server --debugger

The debug output and control will then be seen on the console where you
started the server.

This is a little bit dated but the way to go is here:

The only basic difference when running in emacs is you want to start
your server (script/server) from inside a shell window like this:

M-x shell
$ cd your_project_root
$ script/server

I’ve used this method with ruby 1.8.7 / rails 2.2.2 and it definitely
works. Unfortunately for me, I’m working with ruby 1.9.1p0 and ruby-
debug hasn’t quite made it there yet.

Not sure what you’re using for emacs but I’ve found aquamacs (cocoa
build on emacs 22.3.1) to work quite nicely on OSX. What are you
doing to get your “rails-mode” functionality? I’ve used rinari and am
currently working with emacs-rails - both located by google.

I’ve needed to noodle emacs-rails a bit to get it to do something
reasonable with menu driven rspec variants.

Let me know how it works out for you.

Actually, the example I cited had two steps to it:

  1. add "require ‘ruby-debug’ to “config/environments/development.rb”

  2. add “debugger” to the your application file of interest just before
    you want the debugging session to start

This removes the need for the -u flag to script/server and enters the
debugger at the point of interest. Obviously you can use -u, enter
the debugger at the beginning of the program, set a breakpoint at the
point of interest, and run forward to the breakpoint.

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Rick [email protected] wrote:

This is a little bit dated but the way to go is here:

$ script/server

This should be

script/server -u

to enable debugging.

Greg D.