I’m newbie for ROR.
I was create select box for employee who swap position when they work.
ex. mr.John has default position as a service but he can swap position
to driver .
In select box i want to show default position first.
but my app it not show default first it must select by myself.
how i create the select box by selected value with ROR command
now i use
<%= options_from_collection_for_select @areas, :id, :name,
(shift.area_id if shift) %>
Use collection_select
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On 04/02/2009, at 6:58 PM, Nopp Deew <rails-mailing-list@andreas-
Julian L. wrote:
Use collection_select
Program has been error >>
wrong number of arguments (4 for 5)
error on line 28
28: <%= collection_select @areas, :id, :name, (shift.area_id if
shift) %>
No! Use intelligence! the entire select tag is replaced by collection
select. Look on the API for syntax.
Blog: http://random8.zenunit.com/
Learn rails: http://sensei.zenunit.com/
On 05/02/2009, at 4:42 AM, Nopp Deew <rails-mailing-list@andreas-