Hi all,
I would like to ask a similar question as the link below
the link http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/1690184#new
I’m using GNU Radio-companion v3.4.0git-130-g207a2ae7 running on ubuntu
10.04 with a USRP N210 and DBSRX2 daughter board.
With some help from the list and take the document
as reference and do some modify, i draw a simple flow graph to get the
Signal and store into a data file,
UHD: usrp source -----> File Sink
where usrp source coefficient is as below
The center frequency is 1575.42MHz for L1 signal
The sample rate is 4M Sps, Gain is 40 dB, Bandwidth is 2M Hz, and Output
type is short vector(dark yellow)
The file sink input type is short with Vector length 2.
My problem is that i’m not sure if this is right for capturing the L1.
I used the software provide by the document
up-convert short type to int8, and then used the Matlab code provide
the book “A software-defined GPS and Galileo receiver: a
approach” to do acquisition.
After the acquisition, i still can’t get the right result and PRN code.
there anyone has some experience about this?
Or it’s just my flow graph is wrong, or have a wrong parameter?
Or someone have other method can help to confirm if the data captured is
correct or not? I really need some help or advice.