How to check that all children dates are before parent date?


I have a Task model that uses acts_as_tree, giving me the parent_id. The
Task table has these columns:

  1. name
  2. due_on
  3. parent_id

How would I validate that all children due dates (due_on) are inputted
before the parent task due date before it’s saved?

(for example:
“debug project” due on May 1st - children task
“finish project” due on May 31st - parent task)

I’m thinking it might be something like this, but I’m sure I’m wrong:

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :children_date_before_parent_date

def children_date_before_parent_date
  errors.add_to_base("Children date must be before parent date") if

due_on <= parent.due_on

Any ideas?

Try something like this:

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :date_check

def date_check
if self.parent_id
errors.add(:due_on) if self.due_on > self.parent.due_on
errors.add_to_base(“sub tasks have invalid dates”) if
self.children.collect(&:due_on).any?{|date| date > self.due_on}

You can use the same function to validate that the child comes before
the parent AND that the parent doesn’t contain any children that are
due after itself.

On May 10, 12:38 am, Bob S. [email protected]

Andrew B. wrote:

Try something like this:

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :date_check

def date_check
if self.parent_id
errors.add(:due_on) if self.due_on > self.parent.due_on
errors.add_to_base(“sub tasks have invalid dates”) if
self.children.collect(&:due_on).any?{|date| date > self.due_on}

You can use the same function to validate that the child comes before
the parent AND that the parent doesn’t contain any children that are
due after itself.

On May 10, 12:38�am, Bob S. [email protected]

It works perfectly! Thank you so much for your awesome help, Andrew. I
can’t thank you enough. THANK YOU :slight_smile: