If I do:
l = Logger.new(“testlog”)
now if I want to close it again, I get:
IOError: closed stream
So far, I have checked for this error (by rescue clause), to see, if
the logfile is already closed. Is there a more elegant way to check if
the instance (i.e. the logfile stream) is already closed?
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007, ChrisKaelin wrote:
the instance (i.e. the logfile stream) is already closed?
Logger doesn’t provide a method to check this, so what you are doing is
You can look at log4r (http://log4r.sourceforge.net/) for a logger that
supports a closed? method, and which is pretty flexible.
You might also look at my asynchronous logger, Analogger
(http://analogger.swiftcore.org). It supports a closed? method, as
It also looks like it would be pretty easy to subclass Logger and
LogDevice to create a version that implements closed?.
Kirk H.
[email protected] wrote:
So far, I have checked for this error (by rescue clause), to see, if
(http://analogger.swiftcore.org). It supports a closed? method, as
It also looks like it would be pretty easy to subclass Logger and
LogDevice to create a version that implements closed?.
Kirk H.
Thanks, I was thinking too of subclassing Logger for that, but the
rescue clause seems to do this work well enough
Analogger looks great, but for my simple script framework it is a bit
too much. I’ll check it, if I do bigger projects in the future…