How to change CSV properties

Hello Good morning to all,

I am doing reports in ruby on rails,i am trying to export data throgh
excel in CSV format.Now i want to set the font to the text exported to
excel sheet.How can i set font…please help me regarding this …

my sample code was like this…

report =
CSV::Writer.generate(report, ‘,’) do |csv|
csv << [‘Invoice History List’]
csv << [nil,"#{((@start_date).to_s).gsub(’-’,’/’)}"]
csv << [nil]

:type => ‘text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present;’,
:filename => ‘invoicehistoryreport.csv’, :disposition => ‘attachment’)

please help me regarding this issue…

venkat yejarla wrote:

Hello Good morning to all,

I am doing reports in ruby on rails,i am trying to export data throgh
excel in CSV format.Now i want to set the font to the text exported to
excel sheet.How can i set font…please help me regarding this …

> please help me regarding this issue...

CSV files are raw text. They have no concept of representational
formatting. Fonts are the responsibility of the application that reads
them, not something you’ll have any control over at the web-app end.