Hi everyone, I had this little problem and having no luck so far. I have
external file called
require ‘query-eval’ # here the name of the file required query-eval.rb
then there is this class in query-eval.rb that I want to call from my
program that is saved as a different file and IS in the same directory.
Following the instruction in file I had following three line code that
gives error. I think it is because QueryEval is a class not a method. is
there a way to call class without hassle? thank you
filename=‘rlv-ass’ # another external file
qe = QueryEval(filename)
project4.rb:243: undefined method `QueryEval’ for #Object:0xb7f4c970
2006/5/8, huseyin polat [email protected]:
filename=‘rlv-ass’ # another external file
qe = QueryEval(filename)
project4.rb:243: undefined method `QueryEval’ for #Object:0xb7f4c970
You’re problem is almost certainly connected to the fact that there’s
no “new” in your code. You probably meant
qe = QueryEval.new filename
Kind regards
On 08/05/06, huseyin polat [email protected] wrote:
filename=‘rlv-ass’ # another external file
qe = QueryEval(filename)
project4.rb:243: undefined method `QueryEval’ for #Object:0xb7f4c970
This has nothing to do with external files.
You don’t call classes - you call methods.
That method could be a constructor if (as it looks above) you want a
QueryEval object to work with i.e.
class QueryEval
def initialize(filename)
# make a new object…
def process_query_results name, number
# do whatever
and then later you could call that as
qe = QueryEval.new(filename)
Does that help at all?
Robert K. wrote:
2006/5/8, huseyin polat [email protected]:
filename=‘rlv-ass’ # another external file
qe = QueryEval(filename)
project4.rb:243: undefined method `QueryEval’ for #Object:0xb7f4c970
You’re problem is almost certainly connected to the fact that there’s
no “new” in your code. You probably meant
qe = QueryEval.new filename
Kind regards
Robert, that was it, I have forgotten the “new” as you have said… thank
you so much… thank you///