Hi all,
I’m trying to turn off dasherize in all cases, since converting
underscores to hyphens breaks the way that I want to handle XML (with
E4X in Flex 2).
I’ve read the other threads about dasherize on this list. I’m on Edge
Rails, so I can successfully turn off dasherize for a single usage
with something like
render :xml => @task.to_xml(:dasherize => false)
I don’t want to have to do this in every case, of course. So, I can
go ahead and add the following to my application.rb:
module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
module XmlSerialization
#We change the default for :dasherize, since it is never what we
def to_xml(options = {:dasherize => false})
XmlSerializer.new(self, options).to_s
This works fine.
However, I also have to change the behaviour for two of the other
to_xml methods:
to_xml (ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Conversions)
to_xml (ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Array::Conversions)
(The to_xml in ActiveRecord::Errors doesn’t use it.)
Anyway, the source in the Hash::Conversions and Array::Conversions is
larger, so I don’t want to override the method just to change the
default. Is there any way that I can set the default of :dasherize to
false without doing that?
[I asked about this when I was on Rails 1.1 and the response was to just add to_xml_nodash methods or modify the to_xml ones, which worked but was unfortunate since by overriding the methods I’d clobber any changes to them. I’m just wondering if anyone who is a Ruby / Rails guru can think of a better way to do this now that there is actually the :dasherize option to play with…]
I wish there was some constant I could just set to make dasherize
default to false in all three methods that use it. I’m sure I’m not
the only one…
Peter A.
Peter A.
http://www.flexiblerails.com – Flex 2 and Rails 1.1 or 1.2 together!
(PDF-only book)