How to assign a id dinamically to checkbox created dinamical


Vasu Re wrote:


it got sumbmitted before writing Q:),
ok so iam using
<%= check_box_tag ( “id”,“word”,false, :onclick => remote_function( ))%>
for sending remotecall but i want “id” and value ie “word” to be diff
as i load

like iam looping through records as shown below

<%for x in @xrecords%>
<%= check_box_tag ( “<>”,“word”,false, :onclick =>
remote_function( ))%>
but this is not taking <> but throwing exception,please let me
know if there is a way to do this ie assigning the id dinamically as i

<%for x in @xrecords%>
<%= check_box_tag ( “<>”,“word”,false, :onclick =>
remote_function( ))%>
but this is not taking <> but throwing exception,please let me
know if there is a way to do this ie assigning the id dinamically as i

Hi Vasu,

You need to be putting within curly brackets so that it reads:

<%= check_box_tag ( “#{}”,“word”,false, :onclick =>

remote_function( ))%>

That should stop the exception.

Kind Regards
