How to architect a global application [in Rails]

Hello list,

I’m building an application that will soon probably be translated and
localized for different languages and cultures (countries). And here
lies the issue. I’m not sure how to architect the application so that
it is easy to add a new country and localized content and also routes.
I know I could use Globalize and it seems to be an awesome plugin, but
I don’t know how to fit things together such as when the application
eventually gets to other boundaries it will be easy to add and admin
the new localized content - maybe new application instance(s)?

Thanks in advance,


No ideas?

I’ve never had to do this in rails … one thing though. I think,
because of Ruby’s dynamic nature, you could easily capture all the
places where messages are being generated without having to litter
your code with lookups.

A friend of mine recently came up with something where he used the
English message as an index into the translation table. If you can
come up with a way of doing this then you can easily identify messages
that haven’t been translated and display the English message as a
default, while creating an admin screen for the messages that haven’t
been translated into a given language. This gets around all the usual
stuff about having to have message ID’s and lookups everywhere, but is
a little messier.

Views are more difficult. I think you may have to override the render
method to pick up the translated page if it is there.

I’ve not looked at the plugin but if I were starting from scratch
that’s where I’d start.


On Nov 13, 10:57 am, “Marcelo de Moraes S.” [email protected]

Views are more difficult. I think you may have to override the render
method to pick up the translated page if it is there.

D’oh - just use named partials …

i ahve not played with i18n packages other than globalize, but
have found that package to be quite good. i would definitely take
a close look at it before trying to reinvent what it does. it really
could save you a lot of times.
