How to alias only one time, in an eval string

I’m using a software which use compressed ruby scripts… For that, the
software load the uncompressed data and eval it.
In this software, you have the ability to reset the execution, and
it eval again all the uncompressed data.

The thing is… when you alias some methods from specific classes
defined by
the software and not by the compressed scripts, it cause a stack error,
aliased method are then on the second time refering to themselves:

alias b a
def a
do somethin

1st time ok,
but at the second time , a use b which refer to a which use b, etc…
I’m trying to check if the aliased method exist or not, but doesn’t work
a stange reason…

The main problem is I don’t have any access to those Specific classes,
or do
stuff before the eval.
I’ve tried to modify the alias method, but off course, it creates the
problem but with this method.

any solution?

On Dec 1, 2007, at 11:20 AM, trebor777 wrote:

work for
a stange reason…

The main problem is I don’t have any access to those Specific
classes, or do
stuff before the eval.
I’ve tried to modify the alias method, but off course, it creates
the same
problem but with this method.

any solution?

wrapped =
method ‘b’
rescue NameError

eval code unless wrapped

a @