How should I test this?

Hi all

In my app I’d like to send a request to google sitemaps indexer after
a new post is created.

This would take place in the post_observer and would look something
like this:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’
class PostObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer

include ActionController::UrlWriter
default_url_options[:host] = “

def after_create(post)
Net::HTTP.get(‘’, ‘/ping?sitemap=’ + URI.escape

How could I write a test for this?
Also - how could I disable the actual request while running in test



Gavin wrote:

include ActionController::UrlWriter
default_url_options[:host] = “

def after_create(post)
Net::HTTP.get(‘’, ‘/ping?sitemap=’ + URI.escape

How could I write a test for this?

Firstly, after_create should not call the service directly - it should
call a
method in a GoogleApi module that calls the service. (See the thread “no
sql in
the controller guideline”.)

Also - how could I disable the actual request while running in test

Use Mocha to introduce a mock.

Call the real service one time and p the result out. Copy the result
into the
test code and configure a test to mock either the Net::HTTP or the
The mock will return your recorded result.


Firstly, after_create should not call the service directly - it should call a
method in a GoogleApi module that calls the service. (See the thread “no sql in
the controller guideline”.)

Would this apply to model_observers too?

Gavin wrote:

Firstly, after_create should not call the service directly - it should call a
method in a GoogleApi module that calls the service. (See the thread “no sql in
the controller guideline”.)

Would this apply to model_observers too?

Yes; MVC theory suggests observers are controllers. We all wish
observers did
not exist, and controllers simply watched everything! Observers are just


So instead of sending an email after a user is created (for example)
from the observer, It would be better to have the controller send it
or call a model method to send it?