and “scaffold” to each of them.
You are confusing what a rails app is , is not the same as an app in
iis, in
iis the concept of apps exist to separate the webconfig file, so that
application’s configuration wont interfere with the other. Rails app’s
folder is part of an standardization and there is not an equivalent, you
would be closer if you think of your rails all as the entire project
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:29 PM, crab [email protected] wrote:
Hi Marnen,
My question is, how can I start one “ruby server” and use one config
for multiple sub-websites?
Rails uses standardization so configuration is not what you are
thinking it
is you are applying again iis concepts.
I am working for university and there are nearly a hundred of sub-
websites under my host.
Running ruby server instances and maintaining config files of that
amount may not be feasible for me.
Actually, we are currently using ColdFusion which has a admin console
to handle the application server settings.
I want to keep the practice as similar as possible.
apparently what you want is a GUI for administration?
Oh, yeah! Phusion Passenger is useful. I’ve heard of it.
You say useful :), let me put it this way, it can take you days to set up
an IIS server with rails just because passenger does not run
on windows( or IIS), but it will take you not more than 10 minutes to
set it
up on an apache/ubuntu box.
But (very) unfortunately, our server config is Windows-base, using IIS
as web server, and database is MS-SQL…
No one serius about web hosting is running on windows / IIS , maybe only
microsoft, but i wouldnt be 100% sure they are.
I use to host sites on iis and its a nigthamare compared to hosting on
It seems to be quite a tough job to introduce RoR to my workplace
under this environment.
I have to make it!
The thing is your original question is a web server issue not a rails
so the main problem is that 1 you are using windows and 2 you are using
Making rails run on iis is complex and requires that you buy a special
software(a dll). Last time i checked you needed to set IIs as a proxy
an apache server behind running a mongrel cluster that uses a load
middleware an a reverse proxy rewriting dll.
About indroducing rails in your work, start by stating the open source
nature of rails, setting up IIS and paying for support like MS wants you
every now and then can cost around US$1,000 on the initial setup,
and expert is expensive, installing any additional module is expensive,
IIS(MS technology in general) is always late to the party and they are
always behind in technology/security, also most vulnerabilities are
there faster than in other platforms and lastly, viruses, having to pay
hundreds for an antivirus that at the end will never give you 100%
protection. Sum it all up and you will see that hosting on windows/iis
cost around US$2,000 per server and lots more if you are using .NET and
bought visual studio (cost estimations are taken from where i live
the other side, ubuntu/apache/passenger/RoR cost $US 0.00 .