How much to charge for a freelance project in ruby in the st

i work in Israel and i wanted to know how much should i charge per
hour for a freelance project in ruby in USA.
here in Israel a freelance charge for hour is about 30$ but i think
that is too low for USA.
also i am going to do some code review,how much per hour should i
charge for that?

P.S.:i know this isn`t so ruby related but i guess there here alot of

On 6/26/07, urielka [email protected] wrote:

i work in Israel and i wanted to know how much should i charge per
hour for a freelance project in ruby in USA.
here in Israel a freelance charge for hour is about 30$ but i think
that is too low for USA.
also i am going to do some code review,how much per hour should i
charge for that?

That will entirely depend on your experience level, your reputation,
the job you are doing, the client you are working for, the part of the
country the work is in, and probably other things I’m forgetting.

Perhaps look at the rate for salaried jobs in the area you are doing
freelance work for and use that as a benchmark (but not a direct
indicator) of how much you should ask for.

On 6/26/07, Gregory B. [email protected] wrote:

Perhaps look at the rate for salaried jobs in the area you are doing
freelance work for and use that as a benchmark (but not a direct
indicator) of how much you should ask for.

That is a good place to start, but take the average hourly wage of a
salaried person and scale it up 30-40% for the other benefits
employees get which aren’t in their wages (the office space, “free”
computer repair and maintenance, software licenses, electricity,
health insurance, etc.) Plus a freelancer or contractor will pay more
taxes directly which a salaried employee gets paid by their company
(part of social security and Medicare taxes.) Of course I’m not sure
how taxes will work if you are from Israel.

Ryan, who has charged too little in the past…

urielka wrote:
here in Israel a freelance charge for hour is about 30$ but i think

that is too low for USA.

I guess that was partially why you got the job.

I think you should charge higher than Israel rate and lower than the US
rate. That will make you sustainable and competitive.

On 6/26/07, Ryan L. [email protected] wrote:

health insurance, etc.) Plus a freelancer or contractor will pay more
taxes directly which a salaried employee gets paid by their company
(part of social security and Medicare taxes.) Of course I’m not sure
how taxes will work if you are from Israel.

Yeah, thats definitely good advice, one that I don’t always take into
account, and should. :slight_smile:

Would you mind share your findings with us, and yes I am available ;).


I am developer freelance charge for hours is about 25$

2007/6/26, [email protected] [email protected]:

Quoting Roseanne Z. [email protected]:

urielka wrote:
here in Israel a freelance charge for hour is about 30$ but i think

that is too low for USA.

I guess that was partially why you got the job.

I think you should charge higher than Israel rate and lower than the US
rate. That will make you sustainable and competitive.

But closer to the Israeli rate. The overhead in managing remote
developers, and the increased risk to the project, are also
significant factors when figuring out who to hire.


i am going to be the only developer,and i have good experience.
i would charge them the rate a freelancer charge in the states because
where i live doesn`t say nothing about my skills,and like someone said
before you get paid for you skills.

i already know that i am going to do the job,the question is how much
should i charge.
the project is a small-medium site already done,for start i will be
doing a code review,helping with integrate the design,fix bugs and
then start develop new stuff.

can someone tell me how much he would charge for working in such a
project at least for the code review part?
i know there is no fixed rate but a average rate i think there is.

Uriel Katz