Is there a way to add a path to $: permanently so I don’t have to append
a path at the start of every script that needs it?
Greg W. wrote:
Is there a way to add a path to $: permanently so I don’t have to append
a path at the start of every script that needs it?
Use the RUBYLIB environment variable. From man ruby:
RUBYLIB A colon-separated list of directories that are added to
Ruby?s library load path ($:). Directories from this
environment variable are searched before the standard
load path is searched.
Joel VanderWerf wrote:
Greg W. wrote:
Is there a way to add a path to $: permanently so I don’t have to append
a path at the start of every script that needs it?Use the RUBYLIB environment variable. From man ruby:
RUBYLIB A colon-separated list of directories that are added to
Ruby?s library load path ($:). Directories from this
environment variable are searched before the standard
load path is searched.e.g.: RUBYLIB="$HOME/lib/ruby:$HOME/lib/rubyext"
took me a bit to put that all together (not a nix geek), but got it now.
I added this to my PROFILE
export RUBYLIB=$RUBYLIB:/usr/local/lib/ruby/… etc for what I needed
– gw