How is the Kernel module an ancestor of Object?

inheritance chain:

Class -> Module -> Object

Kernel.is_a?(Module) # => true

Kernel is an instance of Module, which in turn inherits from Object.

So how is Kernel an ancestor of Object?

I found it on line 262 of “The Ruby P.ming Language”:

“The Kernel module is an ancestor of Object.”

It would be more correct to say that Object includes the Kernel module.
see Class: Object (Ruby 1.9.3)

Dheeraj K.

Dheeraj K. wrote in post #1077704:

It would be more correct to say that Object includes the Kernel module.
see Class: Object (Ruby 1.9.3)

When a class includes a module, ruby creates an anonymous class out of
the module and inserts into the inheritance chain directly above the